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So I know this might suprise you, but I'm actually a very fast writer. I just don't have much time to actually write. With the exception of Tuesdays where I have several hours to myself to get work done, I have to find time when Smalls naps, on break at work, or after everyone is in bed.

For example, this tiny post took me two days. I started it yesterday after Smalls went to bed, and then he woke up screaming. Several times. And then there was vomiting...once my husband took over, it was after midnight and I only had two paragraphs. And I had to get up at seven (the dog woke me at 6:30). And then I finished it this morning at the cafe, only to accidentally delete it while trying to add photos and...I want to cry a little.

Anyway,  sometimes I take a long time, and I'm sorry. I will tell you that I'm currently working on getting a bundle of two short stories up to download--the Sam one I posted on here for October and the Ramon one that was up only briefly. So keep an eye out in early December. They are going to be up to download in all the usual places, and we're getting some print copies made as well.

In the mean time, I thought I'd recommend some books that I think my readers might also enjoy.

Generation V by ML Brennan

Sam and Fortitude, the main character in this series, have a lot in common. Fort is trying to escape his fate as a vampire--he's vegetarian, avoids his vampire family, and makes his own way. As such, he drives a crappy car, works dead end jobs, and in general is struggling. The series is funny and creepy at times. And Fort is a film major, so geeky references abound. Also, did I mention there's a kitsune character? After reading these books I basically went online and made ML be my friend. Because clearly we share a hive mind.

Dead Things by Stephen Blackmoore

This series is about a necromancer named Eric Carter. He has magical tattoos--if only he could remember what they all do. He talks to the dead and makes incredibly poor choices. The series has a definite noir feel to it, and you cheer for Eric, even though he's not a good person and knows it. It's not funny like my books are funny, but there is a thread of dark humor to the books. I just thought Stephen had some really cool takes on necromancy.

Darkest Powers series by Kelley Armstrong (Young Adult)

Full disclosure--I love Armstong's books. She could probably write a grocery list and I'd read it. This series starts with the Summoning and feature Chloe Saunders, a fifteen year old girl going to a private art school so she can learn how to be a director. Only Chloe starts seeing the dead and everything goes sideways. Full of necromancers, witches, and werewolves--it's not wonder I love them. This series is an off shoot of her adult Women of the Otherworld series, but you don't have to read them first or anything.

Last Dragonslayer by Jasper Fforde (Young Adult)

I loved Fforde's Thursday Next series. His work is surreal, whimsical, and funny, and I was really excited to see him dipping his toe into young adult. The Last Dragonslayer features Jennifer Strange, and orphan who manages Kazam, a company where you can hire your local wizard to do your dirty work for you. Only the founder of Kazam is missing and magic is fading from the world and now there's this prophecy...

Though this series is young adult, I would easily give it to younger readers. 

Spirit & Dust Rosemary Clement Moore (Young Adult)

Rosemary is one of those writers where I ruthlessly stalk her social media pages to see if and when she's putting out another book. A few years back someone recommended her Maggie Quinn vs Evil series (so funny) and I fell in love. Spirit & Dust is part of the Goodnight Family series, but you don't have to read them in order. They are self-contained. Daisy Goodnight can talk to the dead, which is really helpful for the FBI. She consults for them occasionally, and things are going well. Until she's kidnapped by a mob boss and forced to find his missing daughter. This was a really fun book and I hope Moore gets to continue the series.

Well I hope these books help! And if you have any books you would recommend to other readers of my stuff, put them in the comments below!


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