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Hello, friends. We have some new folks around here (Welcome!) and some amazing it's been a minute since I did one of these, so I figured I'd post one. (Thanks, copy editor Mel, for the suggestion!) To be clear, you can always ask me questions on here about books, writing, whatever. If I don't want to or can't answer, I'll let you know. Still, on the off chance that some of you might be vampires who need an invitation first, here it is:

You are welcome to drop a question in the comments and I will answer it if I can.





If you had to choose a person from the Necromancer books to be friends and hang out with, who would it be AND where would you go on a roadtrip with them?


This is a surprisingly difficult question. Hm. I would hang out with any of the team for sure, but for roadtrip...maybe Sean? He just seems like the kind of person that would have fun anywhere doing anything and be really chill to travel with. I would want James to plan the trip, though, because he would be excellent at that.