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I thought I'd post this part of the story with a picture of a po'boy so that you could properly imagine the dinner scene. One of the bummers about being a vegetarian in NOLA when I was in grad school was I couldn't eat most southern cuisine. It's delicious, but everything is cooked in bacon. Vegetarian was an almost completely foreign concept for lots of reasons--that being said, a lot of cultural cuisine clashes with a meatless diet. I was the interloper and vegetarianism is a choice, so I didn't complain or anything. But I did have to explain frequently. (My Mississippi family was consistently perplexed by it. My grandmas was always convinced I wouldn't get enough to eat even if I had a full plate of things.) 

Now when I visit, it's a lot easier to find food options, which is great because New Orleans is a culinary city. They love food and they do amazing things with food. Everything here is delicious. I mean, it will kill you, but it's delicious. (I mean, there are many reasons why Louisiana is part of the heart attack/stroke belt.) Please know that I'm not knocking the culture or the food here in anyway. There's a lot broken about New Orleans, but I miss living there a lot. And by saying it's a very different culture than the one I grew up in in the PNW isn't saying that one is better than the other, because that's not true. There are things I appreciate both. So while I don't think I'll live in New Orleans again, I like visiting often. There are some amazing people there, great writers, stunning art, and an attitude I appreciate. 

My schedule has been silly this week with flying to Mississippi for my grandma's funeral and all that entails. And writing the eulogy, which has been rough. But I managed to get pages to Mel and get them copy edited, so here we are. The funeral is Monday and we fly home Tuesday. Trying to get things done and trying to get the funeral home to broadcast the funeral online so people can see it (obviously a lot of people can't come or are quarantining or sick) all while trying to do what I can to support my mom (who had Covid before we came down. She's better, but gets tired fairly easily still) and my Aunt, who is sick but testing negative. So neither of them are particularly robust physically right now, and emotionally, well, they just lost their mother.

On a lighter (possibly?) note, my husband stayed home because of work, and my friend Tiny has been coming over to let our dogs out during the day while my husband is at work. Boo won't go outside with Tiny. Our other dog, Athena, has zero problem. But Boo was a street dog for the firs year of her life and her trust is a little harder to come by. Sometimes I have to go outside with her or she won't go. Our first trip to the dog park was a bust because she waited by the gate the entire time--she was afraid we'd leave without her. She still wary of anyone who isn't us, and sometimes hides behind me on the couch when she gets spooked...and she's easily spooked. She's getting there, but this is the first time anyone has tried to let her outside when none of us are home and she's not having it. Not even treats will tempt her, and this is a dog who loves any and all treats. And sometimes eats crayons. 

She had met Tiny before this, but apparently the combination of "not family" and us not being home has been too much. But he's going to keep trying.

Hope you're all safe and healthy out there!




