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In case you hadn't seen the art for  Lena's original short story, Heads Will Roll for Tor.com, I wanted to share it. The art is by Hannah Christenson and I love it--though she got an earlier draft where Lena had a sword, not her spear. I don't care, I still love it! Look at Steve, Lena and Wuf! Look at Ed! I've bought several of Hannah's prints over the years, because I love her art so much. If you haven't read the original story, it's still up for free on Tor.com, or you can download it for...I think a dollar? Same with Burnt Sugar. (Which also has lovely art.)

I wanted to say welcome to my new patrons! I hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to go back through the archives--I have a lot on here, because I never take anything down. So there are Sam and Ramon stories (two I cleaned up and edited to make Freaks & Other Family) and Katya and Ava stories--which still need cleaning up. Some of the stories are still rough and need an editor, so sorry about the typos and things. Also there's an entire novella called East Bound and Down to read, and Jonah's (Lena's apprentice) story, Every Heart an Arrow and Make My Will a Bow. If you like my patron, I hope you recommend it to friends!

The holidays are lurking! If you need a bookmark for your stocking, a signed bookplate, a magnet, message me a name and address to send it to! I have a lot of bookmarks. So many bookmarks...

You can also get signed copies of my books from Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park, WA. (You can order online or over the phone and they will track me down and have me sign and personalize if you like!) It is the holidays, though, and they are wicked busy, so if you're worried about it getting where you want in time, I can send a bookmark and signed bookplate and you can get a book from a local shop.

Okay, last bit of news--schedule. I was pretty on schedule for a bit there, and then sickness, holidays, etc. Mel, my intrepid copy editor, actually messaged me this weekend when I didn't send her a new chapter because she was worried I'd relapsed. We're slowly recovering! Hope I didn't worry anyone out there. I'm trying to stay somewhat on schedule, despite going back into my book, Curses, again to revise. I hate revising. It makes my brain feel like I've pushed it through a strainer.

Anyway, here's  more Lena for you! If anyone has title ideas for this thing, hit me up. I'm still drawing a blank.




Titles... Hm. "The Underground Swan-Road"? Or is that too obscure? Or "Spears Fall, Everybody Dies"? Too silly? Or maybe "Operation Valkyrie"? Or would the WW2 connection be problematic?