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So we're getting close to the end of East Bound and Down. The feedback has been pretty good about the project, but not everyone shares their feelings. I've enjoyed the process, though throwing up chapters with little editing is scary. (Thank you Mel for the copy editing help--any and all left over typos and goofs are mine!) So I've been thinking a little about what to do next. Any short projects anyone would really care to see? I've been loving doing longer stuff on here, but maybe that's not as fun for all of you.

If you're cool with longer stories, I have a few ideas of where to go next. Idea one--a longer story following Lena (of Heads Will Roll fame) and Steve as they battle things. (This would be a more adult project like East Bound.) Idea two--a YA paranormal spin on Adventures in Babysitting. Idea three--a YA Horror Western project that I just got the idea for. Idea 4--I've been kicking around an idea for a book following Liv Elliot, Bo's cousin. 

I, of course, will have final say, but I wanted to see if anyone out there had STRONG FEELINGS about any of these ideas. So if anyone wants to put their vote in, now is the time! (And by now, I mean the next few weeks. I still have some chapters left of East Bound and I'm getting my edits back today for Curses!)

Thank you for all of your support!




😱🦄 more Lena and Steve?!? I mean, I've enjoyed all your writing, but Heads Will Roll was always a story that made me wish there was more. 💖 I do indeed have very STRONG FEELINGS. Looking forward to whatever you end up deciding to do next. 😊


Agreed on Lena and Steve, that would be such a fun read. It sounds like you aren't going to continue with Sam & company? I have to say, that is where my heart is, though I can understand feeling like you are done.


I love Lena and Steve--I'm not sure when you joined, but there's some stuff on here following Jonah, Lena's ward. The new stuff would be from Lena's perspective because it's nice to get a break from the YA project I'm working on for my publisher! (Curses, 2020!)


Do you mean short story wise or novel? I do plan on writing another Sam novel. I'm just having a hard time fitting it in. I've moved publishers and have a new YA book in the works with them (Curses--out 2020!). I have left Henry Holt, the publisher that did the Sam books. It's a long story, but the sum of it is, after NTS didn't live up to the HMCN sales (and my editor left), they had me move on to something new. Then my editor left again, and, well, if you don't have someone in the publishing house to cheer for your books, and sales aren't spectacular, you don't get to write more of those books. That being said, I'm not done with Sam. I had plans for one more book with him, then maybe one with Haley, and honestly I'd love to do one with Katya from Pyromantic. I haven't worked on those yet because I have to prioritize the project my publisher is paying me for. I also need to talk to my agent about whether or not we can sell another Sam book if Curses does well, or if I need to publish it myself, and also whether publishing a novel written on Patreon would be a problem...I tried to keep the explanation short, and failed. What I'm saying is, publishing is a huge complicated mess, and I'm not done with Sam. How about this--I will definitely put some sort of Sam thing on here between East Bound and the Next Project. Other than that, I have to talk to my agent. I'm loving doing fun, experimental stuff on here as well, but Sam will always be my first baby (in a non-creepy way), so I get where you're coming from.