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For those that don't follow me on Instagram (which, let's face it, it mostly a feed about my dog, Athena, and weird stuff that makes me laugh.) this a picture of two different cards that I got for my birthday, which was earlier this month. The first if from my friend, Krystal, the second if from my mother. They did not coordinate cards. And yes, my mom sends me funny poop cards. The McBride humor is very sophisticated and edgy. She also sent me a nice card that said something about being a great daughter and happy birthday, but we all know that the unicorn poop one was the show-stopper. It made me laugh, and this is one reason why my mom is great. Even though she already had a card to send me, she sent me this one, too, because it would make me happy.

Things are settling down and one (sadly, the quieter, older one that listens to me at least one third of the time) of my kids is back in school. The younger, louder one that doesn't listen to me AT ALL is still home, but still--half the battle is won. Which means I'm going to get back to posting with more frequency. This is either exciting or not, depending on how much you like me. There is such a thing as too much Lish.

Anyway, for those in the 5+ range, I put up a new post on here. Let me know what you think!

For those in the 1+ range, don't despair. I went and unlocked a few of the older blog posts today so they are now open to all patrons. I think I'm going to unlock those a little more quickly in the future. That way the 5+ people do get to see them first, but maybe after a week or two, I'll open it up to all. I like sharing.

Anyway, hope all is well with you out there in Internet-land. 




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