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 I fly out for SDCC tomorrow, and I'm running around trying to do last minute stuff before I go to work. SDCC snuck up on me somehow...probably because I've had my head down getting Curses back off to my agent. I feel like I've been working on this book FOR-EV-VOR. Hopefully he'll give the thumbs up and we'll send it to my editor. I've also been teaching an online novel writing class and of course bookstore and kids and...no wonder it snuck up on me.

But hey, if you're planning on being at SDCC, look me up! Panel info here:

What's Hot in YA!

Sunday 1-2PM  Room 29AM

Followed by signing from 2:15-3:15PM in the Sails Pavilion

Panel Description:

Strong protagonists, engrossing romance, humor, action, and deeper questions of identity-that's what's hot! Join in for this popular annual Q&A session and chat about the newest titles and trends in YA fiction. Moderated by Nathan Bransford (How To Write a Novel) and featuring Jennifer Armentrout (The Problem with Forever), S. Jae-Jones (Wintersong), Lish McBride (Pyromantic), Brendan Reichs (Nemesis), Beth Revis (Star Wars: Rebel Rising), Megan Whalen Turner (Thick as Thieves), Kiersten White (And I Darken), and Nicola Yoon(Everything, Everything).

I'm really excited! And kind of panicked because SO MANY PEOPLE. I'll be find once I get down there and settle down, but for now *breathes into a paper bag.*

I'll be trying to post a bit down there and work on the next story--so if there's anything you want to know, comment and I'll do my best to answer. For that matter, if there's ever a question you want me to answer in general or a character you want to hear more about, let me know! I'll do my best to field such requests. I love hearing from you guys, so SHOUT IT. 

In the mean time, here's a snippet from Curses to keep you warm. It features my leads, Merit and Tevin and a lovely argument. Enjoy!


"I need to speak with you." She brushed past him, not waiting for a response.

"As milady wishes." His voice was a caress, pitched with a perfect amount of deference and a hint of suggestion--like if she played her cards right, she might end up in his arms. Right.

There was no chair in his room, so she stayed standing, rather than sit on the bed. She would rather sit on hot coals than his bed. Tevin shut his door and took sat on the edge of his mattress, resting his elbows on his knees. "I'm all ears, milady." Followed by a wicked little smirk.

This nonsense ends now. "Mr. Du Mont--"

"Tevin, please."

She had to stop herself from growling at the interruption. "Mr. Du Mont, you are a very charismatic man." The look her gave her was humble, even a little embarrassed, and she'd be willing to bet several gold coins that it had been practiced in front of a mirror until it had been perfected. "As I think you well know. I also think you well know that you are a very attractive man."

Both eyebrows raised as if in surprise. If he was surprised, she'd cut off her own tail. He was used to this. Well, time to make him truly, decidedly, uncomfortable.

"Truly, I have never seen eyes so stunning, or a form so pleasing. I'm sure there are sonnets to your backside, and poorly written verse extolling the virtues of your strong shoulders. Your manly thighs have probably inspired haikus, and the masculine rumble of your voice caused many a young stripling to explode with want."

His surprise was real now, his neck flushing and his shoulders bunching with either embarrassment or anger, she couldn't tell.

Merit pushed on. "Your charm could make a legion of vestal virgins break their vows of chastity."

"Is there a point to this, milady?" His words were polite, but they were pushed through gritted teeth.

She leaned in close, her eyes inches from him. "You have likely left a swath of broken hearts in your wake, but you will not do so here."

He tilted his head. "Milady?"

"I may be wrong. If I am, I apologize. I don't think I am, however. You use your charms as a finely sharpened blade--a tool to get what you want in this world, and you will not do so here."

His anger was back now--his eyes were hardened, his jaw firm.

"Do we understand each other, Mr. Du Mont?"

"Shall I wear a sack over my head, milady?"

She blinked. She'd thought the conversation over. "Of course not."

"A scolds bridal then, perhaps?"

Merit shivered at the thought--a scold's bridal was an old device used to hold a metal bar in a person's mouth, depressing the tongue and making them unable to speak. "That's a ridiculous assertion as you well know."

Tevin crossed his arms. "And yet, I've just been told to stop being pretty and speaking to people."

"I told you to stop being overly charming, not speaking. You can't distinguish between the two?"

Tevin looked away. "I'm honestly not sure I can."

"Of course you can."

He glared at her then, his arms tightening until he was almost hugging himself. "We all do the best with what we are given."

"Meaning?" Her tail whipped back and forth, making her robe twitch.

He waved a hand at her. "You deal with your curse, I deal with mine."

She threw up her paws. "Being beautiful and charming is not a curse!"

"You just told me to stop talking and tone down my face!" They were both yelling now, standing only inches apart. He waved a hand in circle, framing the face in question. "My face."

"I did not!" She poked her finger into his chest. "You decided to interpret it that way."

"There is literally no other way to take it," he growled the words through gritted teeth.

She growled back.



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