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Judge Heath here,

The last 9 or so months have been hectic. We've been learning a lot about what our limits are, where our priorities need to be, and how we need to go about handling what we do and how we do it. Bug testing has been getting more streamlined and efficient, what we add to the game, and our game plan of going about things, have had to evolve and change from what we had originally intended. This would have involved us releasing the game almost identical to where it is now before we announced the Patreon, though as everyone knows, circumstances forced our hand to launch early with a much less complete sample of what we intended to deliver on.

What this comes too though, is we have found our pace is far slower than we had originally intended, even with the revised plan, we had hoped to have Alpha v1 done in January at the latest. This didn't occur between keeping things running, squashing bugs as they come up, dealing with the fallout of our rushed original systems, and similar problems.

I, Judge Heath, was the one who set up our original time line as the product manager, and I was overly optimistic about what we could achieve in 2 years. For this, I offer my apologies, and I ask your patience as I say that the full release of the game, for reasons of both quality and depth, will have to be pushed back for a year. Rather than releasing in the Autumn/Winter of 2018, we'll be doing a full launch in the Autumn/Winter of 2019, making it a full timeline of 3 years rather than 2 years. I apologize for misjudging our capabilities, and giving you a false promise, and will attempt to keep my allowances for time and resources more in check in the future. Thank you, once again, for your support, and I hope you remain with us for this entire crazy journey.



NP. It's way better to take your time and deliver a high quality product than rush it.


As far as I'm concerned, as long as you keep posting actual progress (as you have) you can take as long as is needed to deliver a quality game.


Keep up the great work! Work starts soon, so my pledges will raise until, at least, till the Fall.

Andrew Riggs

Your making real steady progress. Keep it up and I have no complaints.


I actually prefer it this way. Rather than rushing and pulling hair, you need to find your pace :) Besides, and extra year of working on the project is an extra year to add more smexy stuff to it :D


... is it just me but the income has kinda been stagnant and never reached​ $20,000 yet? Just to give you guys something to think about.

Dr. Supersocks

I don't really care how long it takes you to get it done, as long as you guys keep us updated. You've already done more than most projects of this type get in the amount of time you had. The task now is to keep it up.


Are you going to do some version for android?

Heinous McDingle

So for the past 9 months the project has been behaving like it never had a project manager in the first place?


Probably because of the BS stigma, people just got too disappointed the last time, and don't want to donate to another project... Which is sad, because Team Nimbus is really doing their fair share of work, but this time they also have proper management. The only thing I can think of is to try and add more sex into the game. People's pride will quickly fade in comparison to their lust :D


No, they had a project manager, but they did not expect this many bugs to show up (which obviously slows down the programming process, which in turn gives them less time to add stuff to the game). Then there were issues with changing animators (twice), and they also realised that it takes longer to give us quality animations, than anticipated. It's not "lack of project management" it's "reassessing the possibilities and applying it to the project management from now on" I would say 90% of all proper projects go through this


Hey, as long as you're progressing faster than Breeding Season, it's all good ;)


How dare you extend the project date!Con-artists!! ......lol ' Like I said before, extending the project is fine. You have an end date in site and you've all been working hard. Just don't start charging for DLCs before the game is done. <3 Actually did anyone really think this project would be done in two years?


we're only holding them to the highest of standards I see.


I think they thought so at the beginning when the patrons started pouring in, but soon after it got stagnant.


just work on the coding and everything, that should be first over all.


So it goes with every game's development.


For real though. Every game should be in Alpha because that means the developers are still striving to make a better game. Too many times you see "finished games" and they are always lacking.


Yo I backed breeding season for years, IDC how long it takes as long as you update, release stuff, and make a good game.

Cyril Vaxx

I would much prefer an extended release date than have something like cut content. I've bought games that I thought would be epic that became utter failures because the production company didn't allow them the time to finish it. So long as we're kept in the loop and get progress updates, I don't have a single problem with it.

Icarus Media

You may be interested in a game called Breeders of the Nephylym then.


Honestly I'm more or less glad how long this is taking it just means more of a chance of getting a more flushed out bug free game with plenty of content.