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This month folks we've gotten in the breeding system to the patron build, and will be refining it with traits and similar going forward. Until then, for our followers and the public? Have our February build.

February Update:

Well, that was a month and a crazy one at that. While we didn't make the milestone we were aiming for this month we have done some quality of life fixes. The biggest one you guys will notice is that we should have a SERIOUS drop in resource usage now. Basically, the game should be much lighter on your system. Secondly, we've implemented click to move, but there are still some bugs. There's also the player stats window, and in battle, you'll be able to look at Brontide's and Goldra's as well.

Clicking on doors will enable you to transition between zones. Is should be noted there are bugs with this feature. There is currently an issue where the bounding box we use for the player character's movement will interfere with the ability to click on the doors. If it becomes too common of an issue, please tell us.

Next month we'll be reorganizing our pipeline and will try to implement the actual breeding mechanics. That's right folks, you'll finally be able to make eggs with your monsters. Rather than have all the monsters given to you at the beginning, you'll now have to go find wild monsters out in the town and interact with them.

After that we'll be doing final tweaks, optimizations, and similar. After which, we can FINALLY begin moving onto Alpha v2 in May and with it, we'll implement dungeons, events, cooking, farm customization, and the actual storyline. Once Alpha v2 is done, we enter into beta which will mostly be storyline and mechanical expansion and optimization of the game.




so how can u get more monsters. the eggs only seem to spawn one of the two monsters that bred together


At the moment that's the only way to get more monsters. We'll be enabling other methods shortly, including the dungeons. That's why the Album turns on just for visiting the barn once, since we know you can't get to the monsters normally yet.


So basically all the sprite animations are gone this build.


How can i fix the game crash ? Help pls


I think I have a problem. When I ring the bell to fight the first time after one turn I cant do anything. Is this an error? I just started the game so dont know much :/


yes but the real question is; Are there any new scenes?


i have kinda run into a problem with both female and male character, if you skip through the towns introduction and head right to the farm and then go back to the city the introduction pops up in every place.


any chance for a link through mega if someones internet is to slow(Like mine) the download just fails otherwise.


I'm personally only interested about Breeding for now, not sure how much I'll care or enjoy the rest after it's at it's best but anyway, I'll wait until then. Too busy wanting to fap than attempt to play this quest game that I never tried to read or understand the stories yet. Anyway. With that being said ... is there a way to zoom? If not, I think that would be cool. And can we not have a close up of the monsters having sex?... Or will that always stay in a pixel-form... cause personally that would really suck. ... I would LOVE to see them properly drawn and animated like the sex scenes with the Farmers. Oh and ... besides Breeding in the Farm. Are there other ways to have sex?... Like fucking the NPC's? ... And are all the monsters available in the Farm or are there any others that we can buy or can only somehow gain a certain way?... And do you have a Wikipedia Guide yet?

Foxy Paladin

Zooming has not been implemented. I believe it has to deal with the sprites themselves, but don't quote me on that as I'm not the programmer. I do believe it was discussed a few months ago. MonsterxMonster sex will always been in sprite form. The decision for this was due to resources, time, and money. In order to fulfill the amount of high quality animations needed for each monster pairing is over what we can afford to do at this time. If we had something like 3 full-time artists it could be possible, but for the time being, only the protagonist is given the quality animations. The sprites are simple to make and the best compromise we could do. As the game progresses, there will be a handful of NPCs you can develop a relationship with and those will have detailed animation scenes as well. Monsters are obtained through dungeons in the form of eggs, and through breeding in the form of eggs. The dungeons are currently unavailable as they are not implemented yet. They should be soon. You should start with all monsters. They're located in the album which unlocks if you visit the barn. Save your game and return to the album. I'm currently in the process of designing the website. Once the website is finished (hopefully around end of May *knocks on wood*), I'll be starting up the wiki. No ETA on that yet.


Game runs a LOT more smoothly this public release, but i kinda miss the boss-fight from the last one ^^


So uh, question. What do I need to be able to run this? I can't find that bit of info ANYWHERE on here, and was really hoping I could try this to decide if I wanted to become a patron or not... It just crashes instantly upon trying to load it up, and I have no idea what's going on with it.


dang every time I try to play it refuses to load past the character select just stuck there till the end of time I guess


Either this is incredibly buggy, or I'm missing something. Because once I get to the farm and the whole "Your Door is locked", I can't do anything.


<a href="http://s016.radikal.ru/i334/1704/9e/fcb5af56d185.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://s016.radikal.ru/i334/1704/9e/fcb5af56d185.jpg</a> What wrong?


Alpha 1.04.2d seems to have a lot of bugs. Combat training gets stuck, and once the monster's turn to attack comes, he just stands there and you are forced to close out of the game. Breeding, sometimes you suddenly freeze and are unable to move, again forcing you to close out of the game.

Foxy Paladin

Bugs are going to happen. The more we add on to the game, the more will crop up unfortunately. The whole, 99 bugs in the code, take one out, patch it out, 350 bugs in the code. We're aware of the combat training issue. The breeding one, I think has been mentioned once. Could you give me the step-by-step walkthrough to recreate the issue?


Why this archive is not open? What kind of fucking trash?!


The door is supposed to be locked, it's a leftover thing to make you got back into town and fight a boss in an earlier build. Now you can fight that thing in the training hall. The game is in early alpha so there is no story to progress, mostly breeding monsters (in the barn on the far left), farming, buying/selling crops at Jaero's shop (yellow flower dude), talking to a few NPCs that the dog introduced you to, and exploring the town itself.