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A Lineup of the Wild Centaurs you can encounter in dungeons. Right now we're still working on a 'swift' Centaur version.




Its for the next update ?


Damn. The regular is already crazy... Imagine getting fucked by the Stonebreaker. Can't wait to see that!


I CAN imagine it! But I don't think I survive....


I'll admit I'm not a huge fan of the stonebreaker but that Shettle is adorbs


Cute Shettle and awesome Stonebreaker, how come that there is one variant less than with the others thou? :-)


Oh, stupid me, don't mind ..... I didn't read carefully. Maybe make the swift version more deer or antilope like concerning proportions?

Dream Tree

Yeah if I were you I'd edit/delete that, not sure why you posted it either >.> Edit: the comment I was replying to has been deleted. Thanks Heath!


Yaaas! Finally. Wow, that horn looks sick af. The guy who admitted that "iz not a HUGE fan of the horn" -pun intended, needs to not admit things. <3


all the little ones are my favorites of these linups


Dark Humor or not, there's no reason to be that incredibly graphic, and more than that, it was obviously posted with the intent to squick folks out and ruin their enjoyment, not to get a laugh. Consider this your one and only warning. Further posts of that nature, or that I even think are there for the purposes of trolling or messing with our audience, and you're getting a permanent ban. ~Judge Heath Edit: Basically, it's not our job to do more than remove folks and content that are ruining other people's enjoyment of this community and this product. Do not assume we'll just delete your posts because we don't like them, we're more likely to ban folks outright if they take up that attitude and think we'll just do their common sense thinking for them.


My bad. No worries. ... I'm frustrated that you misunderstand me but. Shouldn't of replied at all as originally planned or take that risk of dark humor comedy. But I get it. ... Thanks for giving me a warning at least. Trust me, you won't get anything bad from me again.


I wonder what the swift version will look like? More skinny I'm assuming.


I don't think they'll add all these new sprites that quick for the next update... Maybe after 2+? At least that's what I'm assuming.


... Big fan of Breeding Season but I gotta say I'm glad S-Purple is the real deal with the strong work and team he's put in with the great progress you guys have made compared to Breeding Season. Congrats.

Richard Zealy

could we get some female centaurs?


Only if people vote for genderswaps instead of more monsters or varients being bangable.

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

The Stonebreaker vs Herdmistress would be a battle for the ages, imagine those two duking it out.


It will not be in the next update. Chances are, these will slowly be introduced in sections depending on what dungeon is coming up. Since cat is in the savannah tiles I think we will get those first, followed by possibly wolf/cows. But each would need all their battle animations in first before fully be implemented. So PervMaster is safe to assume 2+ in terms of builds though overall they would go in seperate.