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The Scarecrows are not just a handy, dandy visual organizer for your fields, they are also the tool by which you organize and set up automated functions for those fields.

As we have discussed before, all crops will be rated between 1 and 5 stars, with 1 star food being the most basic food (if it was less than 1 star is would be rotten!). The relevant stats are Tending, Watering, Fertilization, and Security! Your monsters directly tending a field will effect the Tending and Security Stats directly, certain other buildings will effect those as well. Watering and Fertilizer will be up to you to effect. Different Plants and Different times of year effect how quickly portions of ground dry out. A plant only NEEDS to be watered once a day to stay alive, but some like it if they're watered more. Fertilizer is a similar trait, but isn't necessary to keep a plant alive. Essence is used as Fertilizer, and different plants like different kinds of Fertilizer, so what kind you put in a field, on which plants, very much matters! You want to put plants together that use up water at the same rate in the current season, and like the same kinds of Essence for maximum benefit!

Importantly, it should be noted that you need to get all four of these stats in balance to improve the quality of your field, and thus the plants produced by it. Harvest plants individually have a chance of higher stats if their needs are being met, but it's no where near guaranteed. The only way to garuntee a better yield every time, is to make every plant in the field you've planted happy. This means the more plants you put in a field, the harder it will be to get the star quality up across all 4 bars. As you can see already, even though this field has maxed security, only 2 star plants are guaranteed, because they have reached the first threshold in ALL stats.

This screen also allows you to browse your monsters, check their availability, see their stats as relevant to farming, which barn they are in, and finally, you can choose the cosmetic appearance of your scarecrow by clicking on it in the top left hand corner.




Ooh my god that fucking big upgrade😶


Great detailed concept. Looking forward to playing with it sometime in the future.


I'm sew excited!


Wow this is getting interesting

Kravenar Games

Wow, looking forward to it