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The Lamia are one of the few monster species who lack 'feral' members of their species who have been exposed to wild magic. While other monsters become wild, apparently losing sapiency, when they become oversaturated with magic, the Lamia lose their ability to make rational decisions, while still retaining the outward signs of sapient behavior. They become mad, hedonistic, seeking any high or pleasure, utilizing their ability to manipulate light to cut beautiful homes from the ice of their islands, or to hypnotize and enslave other, weaker willed Lamia, or other monster species, into serving them and doing the menial tasks while the Lamia themselves seek deeper and more esoteric joys, always chasing the next high and experience.

Luckily, sane Lamia are far more refined than that. They still are looking for various forms of good time but they are not consumed by the search like their irrational kin.



DJ Quinn

That sounds like fun bad end material.


Hello i've played the game but now I am stuck in the beginning. I've done the introduction and got to the farm but when they say that i need the key i can still enter the house and it tells me to get it from the lady at the docks but she keeps following me. I need help pls!


The game doesn't extend very far yet, we're still in alpha. The Intro with basic features of farming, breeding, buying, and selling are all there is. You can get at the animations after visiting the barn however in the newest build, by going to the Album. In older builds you had to breed each monster.


that.. is.. awesome... I forget I'm so into snake chicks until I see how amazing and fabulous they can be


Team Nimbus, I havent played the alpha yet because I dont want to spoil my experience playing the game in such an early state. But I have a question. Will any of the monsters have both male and female versions? Or will each creature only have one gender assigned to it.


Naja + Rattlesnake? It is a good drawing, but too animalistic to my taste. I know it is about art style, but if she has almost all characteristic of a reptile and almost nothing mammal, so why the hell does she have breasts, and with no nipples?


Looks Awesome ! Thank you for this project !


I believe the team is going off both the legend that the Lamia was a woman turned snake and that female porn is always better with breasts.


Well, Spurple and the rest of the team were big fans of the snake woman in X-com so that's what they went with also they didn't like the traditional lamias designs since it has been done hundreds of times before. Now when it comes to the breasts spurple was gonna put nipples on her but people in the live-stream protested against it so he went with the majority wanted.


Snake! Gonna boop her on the snoot. >:3


She's a lot more snake than woman than to be expected.


... Can't wait to fuck her!


That depends entirely on our $20.00 patron level votes for art direction once we finish the last male monster off.


I know this may sound as science bullshit, but the breast are to produce milk, and the nipples are to put this milk out. With no nipples, the breast becomes useless from the evolutionary perspective. Ok I will stop talking about science in a porn game.

Dream Tree

I was there in live stream that day, and from what I remember Spurple was not "going to put nipples and people protested". He asked the chat if lamia should have nipples, and people gave their opinion. There was in fact people who said yes, she should, but most thought that it added some neat variety for her not to have nipples, as centaur also doesn't. Spurp agreed, and so didn't put nipples in. Also remember, lamia in the drawing showing concepts for the monsters the Patreons could vote for? Also didn't have nipples.

Dream Tree

As a science person myself, in truth snakes have no use for breasts or nipples whatsoever. You're right, breasts and nipples are for milk to feed young, which snakes don't do. Technically, lamia does not need breasts, but she does because this is still sex game and many people like big boobed snake ladies. From an evolutionary perspective, their breasts are already technically 'useless'. From a sex game perspective, it's all good fam.


And the skin she throws off? :)


Eh, kind of disappointed.


I just realized the "acceptable"answer for you, why she have breasts. Mans love breasts,Lamias hunts mans for sperm and meal. So they are "carring the traps" always ! More femine looks is better chance for them. Good enought for " SCIENCE " answer in a porn game ? :D No offence and sorry for bad english ! :$

Rodrigo Silva

Idk, I love the more feral look. Sure, the breasts are "unrealistic" or whatever, but it's unique and appealing, even to me as someone who's not into ladies.