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This was originally going to be a post extending the joke in an oblivious way, kinda like what Blizzard does when they rescend their april fools updates, but enough folks were upset by the joke given our history with breeding season that it was probably in poor taste.

I kinda thought it would be obvious when we called the piece of trash that is Magna Cum Laude the epitome of porn games, or that we were turning Yonten into a Danny DiVito expy, we didn't think it would be in such poor taste, and we apologize for that. But just so that we're perfectly clear, of course we're not ripping the guts out of the project when we're just getting it stable. I'll be releasing an actual development plan later today for you guys to see what we're -actually- planning on doing in the near future.



I thought it was kinda weird and a bit too obvious, but I enjoyed that you guys were at least doing something for the day. It's the thought that matters

Christopher Waters

It was a joke guys not an 8 foot bull demon cock don't take it so hard.


i kinda want to see yonten devito


I told you guys to go fuck yourselfs. That was a joke, April fools bitches!


Well the apology is more for bringing up bad memories over the whole "we're doing it over from scratch" insanity from when Breeding Season ended.

Jathby Dredas

Poor taste my ass, that was *exactly* how to do an April Fools post. And just to be sure you clearly tagged it at the end.


i mean, as soon as you said "April 1st decision" i was pretty relieved.


I thought it was a pretty well done April Fools joke, and that it was very obvious. Yonten Devito was posted to the HWYM blog a long time ago, so I expected it to be used for something like this.

Dream Tree

I agree with the above posters, the joke was pretty obvious. I mean, Yonten DeVito? Immediate tip off.


Considering how outlandish the post was, I'm actually kind of worried people took it seriously.