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Well, that was a month and a crazy one at that. While we didn't make the milestone we were aiming for this month we have done some quality of life fixes. The biggest one you guys will notice is that we should have a SERIOUS drop in resource usage now. Basically, the game should be much lighter on your system. Secondly, we've implemented click to move, but there are still some bugs. There's also the player stats window, and in battle, you'll be able to look at Brontide's and Goldra's as well.

Clicking on doors will enable you to transition between zones. Is should be noted there are bugs with this feature. There is currently an issue where the bounding box we use for the player character's movement will interfere with the ability to click on the doors. If it becomes too common of an issue, please tell us.

Part of the features we were unable to implement were the climax scenes for the dragons. The climax loops will be added at the earliest possible point that we can. In a similar vein, the $10.00 reward banner will be late this month as well. The reason for this is that we are working on the design for the website and the banner involved is larger than any other we have implemented to date. We wanted it to be the flag, as it were, of the website, much as our first HD banner was the flag of the Patreon. The website is still in progress. Bug fixes were also ignored for this month, again, due to the time constraints and shortness of the month.(edited)

Next month we'll be reorganizing our pipeline and will try to implement the actual breeding mechanics. That's right folks, you'll finally be able to make eggs with your monsters. Rather than have all the monsters given to you at the beginning, you'll now have to go find wild monsters out in the town and interact with them.

After that we'll be doing final tweaks, optimizations, and similar. After which, we can FINALLY begin moving onto Alpha v2 in May and with it, we'll implement dungeons, events, cooking, farm customization, and the actual storyline. Once Alpha v2 is done, we enter into beta which will mostly be storyline and mechanical expansion and optimization of the game.




Perhaps I'm just not used to point and click navigation, but is it normal to right click to move instead of left click?


Not sure if it was taken out, but the tavern scene seems to not play for me and the male demon scene in the album is broken as it just shows a freeze frame of the last scene played. Thankfully the game doesn't crash my comp anymore at least, really looking forward to when this game has some real meat to it! Keep up the awesome work, but be sure to take breaks when you need to!


Those Eve sprites intrigue me. I know emotion sprites were mentioned in the stream chat as being a possibility, would these sprites be the implementation of such? (Please excuse any wonky English, it's not my first language and I just woke up.)


The sprites are planned as the first implementation, we'll see in the future if we go further than that. The image was just the best "Quality of LIfe Improvements" PLaceholder I could find until we get the actual banner done.


Must have been a miscommunication. Will get that changed. ~JH PS: I really wasn't kidding about no time to test this stuff. Point to click movement as finished only about 1 hour before I psted this.


Excited to be playing this more! A few things I've noticed so far: -Point and click movement didn't work for me. (Same with clicking a door to move through it.) -No introduction scene for Jaero? (But you can purchase from his shop, which you can't do for Yonten.) -Camellia's sprite looks pixelated. -Jubelle follows you in the Union building after saying she won't. -Brontide doesn't follow you after saying he will. -Goldra's sprite is just not there. Can still talk to her because the speaking bubble is there but looks like it's just floating above a chest. -Going downstairs doesn't trigger the dialogue with Brontide so I wasn't able to fight. -In your barn, the demon and dragon sprites aren't visible. -If you mate two centaurs together, it shows a centaur mating with a catgirl. -Several sex scenes with Eve look really pixelated and low quality. -Demons and dragons are not on the list for critters you can mate together at all. Mating is generally buggy, several times I tried to mate critters only to have no sprite animation show up. (Although the popup telling me which two were mating worked.) -In the gallery, Evan's demon sex scene button shows the wolf scene instead. You can't view the demon sex scene at all.


Did you fixed the introduction bug?? This bug make some event dont work and dont be possible to finish the introduction part(talk to the folk) . Ps: look at the old fixed Alpha fixed 1.04c whit my name for refreshing


Brontide.....she's disappeared ! and I can't ring the bell


thanks for the update


All Aboard The Muthuvuckin Hype Train!


I too am having the "introduction bug," where Jubelle will follow you around even after you come back from the farm. Skipping the introduction has no effect on this.


Love the Dragon, she is so adorable/pattable.


Neat. BTW, is Jubelle date-able? Please let her be!


We're getting there!


hi! i'm new here, and i just wanted to ask one thing: i played breeding season and there was one thing that i really liked about it; i liked the different version of the monster, for example the feral version or the genderbent version of a monster. so my question was: is that thing gonna be in this game too? or are we gonna get the two scene for the monster? one fore the male character and the other for the female character? btw i'm liking this game a lot, it looks really cool!

Dream Tree

I believe variations will be voted in on the future, although certain variations from BS won't be present in this game (ex: neoteny). And there are two animations for each monster yes, one for Eve and one for Evan ^^


My Experience as a First Time User (This looked interesting) Edit: Editing as I go along BG: First time playing and switched to full screen mode. You have a noticeable edge line on the arrival dock where you meet Jubelle. The white to the left of the end of the wood in the background is slightly different from the rest of the town's background which looks to be more of a creme white. The yeti in town will be in the store from sunrise to dawn...So he's only there when the sun goes over the horizon in the morning? I think you meant from sunrise to sunset or from dawn to dusk. Either of the alliterative sets work or even from sunrise to dusk but that isn't as alliterative. Either that or his shop is just never open and pointless. Using a blue exclamation mark within an already heavily decorated with Blue building in the Union Outpost causes the exclamation point to just seem like it's part of the background of the guild. Also, having the guy I came to talk to to the left of the door I entered through feels off because I literally walked to the far right of the screen which follows from the door we come through, interacted with nothing, then went back to the left and noticed the previously mentioned exclamation point and stumbled onto the guy I was supposed to talk to, going towards it thinking that the exclamation point was the actual guy I was supposed to talk to and I just couldn't see who it was. I think I'm actually lucky I decided to head to the left before I would have followed my natural inclination and went down the stairs to the nothing that was down there. That would have been more frustrating. This is a map design and human tendency issue. Also, Jubelle followed me into the building when she was supposed to remain outside... Minor glitch with dialogue where the cursor that blinks in and out at the end of a line causes the last word to go onto the next line and then back to the 2 line structure, making it harder to actual read what's written. Brontido's name tag thing does not have enough contrast and makes it not as easy to read the lettering, besides the tiny o at the end which is impossible to read. Edit: correction the E at the end of his name is unreadable and I forgot what his name was until I ran through that a second time to confirm what his name was. In the buy and sell dialogue at the store with seeds, what do the numbers even mean? It's showing 99 in the buy menu but nowhere can I actually find the price of the actual seeds. Weirdness where I saved the game and then loaded and my load took way too long and I think froze. I quit then restarted then hit load and bam loaded in almost in an instant. Final thoughts: This looks like it has potential but my initial experience was actually negative because I didn't know what the controls were. Now you might be wondering, how did I not figure out arrows and WSAD for movement? Well I did, what I didn't figure out was the interaction button. You have so many objects and people that my initial reaction was, "Why can't I interact with these people? What is the button I'm supposed to press to interact with them or investigate the items around me?" I know this is an alpha and that's why I'm saying this. To make sure you understand the expectations of someone just coming into the game for the first time. Some type of tutorial or even just a simple message at the very beginning when you first arrive on the blimp should pop up. Maybe have the option to turn off tutorial messages when you choose your character. That's something else you'll need in the future: tutorial messages because I figured out the farming by trial and error and just hitting the buttons in order and then watering a plant but I never felt like I understood exactly what I was doing. Another quality of life thing: don't hide how much water we have when not on the fields. Especially don't hide the amount when next to the well and we're choosing to refill it... And one final thing because I can't do enough final things: There should be a return to title button within the ESC menu in the game, not just an exit game button. How else am I to get to the gallery? Exit the game and then start it up again? How do I start a new game after I've been playing one game as the male and then decide I want to try out the female? Exit the game, and then hit start new game? Point made, now I'll be quiet and let you work on this interesting looking game. I may be frustrated by my lack of ability to interact with all those townspeople but you've thrown in enough clutter that I'm interested. Especially that danged shark.


Thank you so much for the detailed feed back! Getting this all to the team :D ~JH


Is there a Mac version of the build? I can run the game in a virtual box but the animations are all glitchy.


We wanted to try a linux build last month but it kinda went south along with everything else that happened. We can't do a Mac build at all until we decide to start paying for an iOS developer's license, and we're not confident enough in our own finances to take that kind of risk without first testing the Unity wrapper for Linux first.


A brief spatter of feedback: 1. Would it be possible (in later versions) to have a "lore" menu in the pause menu? For all that world building goodness that we might want to read up on. Maybe unlocked through doing things, talking to people or interacting with objects. 2. Options to change movement / interaction keybinds? Then people can assign their controls to whichever side of the keyboard they prefer for one-handed play purposes.


I dont know why but i can never get past the intro i have tried 10 different times but every time either she will not stop fallowing me or a NPC dialoge will not que up and play when i enter the building for the first time. Ive had times where the Tavern lady would talk to me but the person in the flower shop would not and vice versa i would love to see past the intro :(


Well the intro is all we got, there's nothing in the game just yet beyond the farming, sex scenes, and the battle in the barrack's basement.

Inceton games

Great update love the game!


will there someday be a feature that involves the breeding scenes between the pets or will there just be the tiny vision of them in the barn? :o