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Another random event that can occur week to week is Jerikan's visits to the town. Jerikan is one of the few beings registered for monster capture operations who isn't a fully paid up member of the Guild. Very few folks are capable of pulling magical energy out of a living being without killing them, but Jerikan, between his original nature and the wards containing him, is fully capable of this, and in fact, he must do so to survive. This gives him a unique market niche in that he can actually go out, find wild monsters, and drain enough of their ambient magic to effectively tame them (IE: make them sane) without endangering their lives, rather than having to hatch them and either raise them amongst a 'civilized' monster tribe, or use a hatchery on a guild farm.

Jerikan travels between islands, capturing wild monsters, draining them of their magic, and then pops them into one of his cages, before heading to populated islands run  by the Guild to sell the fruits of his labor. This is one of the few ways you'll be able to get new monsters without having to raise them from an egg, and their starting stats are often superior to those that are farm bred.
