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"Migrations" are relatively rare random events, when bits of a floating dungeon colide with a civilized, populated island... such as your farm. This leads to monsters directly invading, attacking, and occasionally ravishing and being ravished by, the members of any particular community. The weird influxes of wild magic, the trauma of having ones already unstable floaty home collide with another relatively unstable floaty home, and similar all come together to mean that yes, the dues you pay to the Guild, or the taxes you pay them if you're not a member just living on one of their islands, that are used to pay for guards are actually necessary for more than just pirate hunting.

This is yet another example of a rare event that'll result in you getting monsters who you don't hatch from an egg, as the disaster disrupts magic in the area (rather, disruption in magic is what allows the impact in the first place, and occasionally stripping excess magic from the minds and bodies of monsters passing through the anomaly is just a happy side effect) and thus anyone remaining afterwards has a chance of signing up on your farm.



Kravenar Games

Mmm... not bad, interesting...


its events like this that make this genre of game fun, otherwise it just turns into a grind


Aww those poor kitties lost their island. They can all come home with me for some "harvesting" ;)