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These are the sprites of all the brownies you can encounter in the local caravan that visits you. They are a gregarious and happy natured set of monsters, and oddly, do not seem to suffer from magic saturation as you might expect from a monsterous species, especially one that travels so far from civilization so frequently and only rarely mixes their blood with other beings.

For scholars of history, it is known that the Brownies definitely appeared after the cataclysm that shattered the world and created the void, as there are absolutely no mentions of these dimunitive creatures from before that time. Even the scant records possessed from the pre-void era, there is not even a hint of this race. The brownies themselves are silent on their origins, but continue to tell stories of practically anything else. 




Gypsies, tramps and thieves, no doubt!


the little guys with the cat hoods look ominous

jose hernandez

I like the females, they look intersting and hot.