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Judge Heath here,

We've started switching up a few of the hookups, and are now using OpenGL rather than the previous stuff. Hopefully this'll fix the crashing problem for you folks experiencing it. We only managed to get that bug to happen ONCE with our own systems, and that was before we launched so we had assumed it was a system fluke. Even after all the reports we never managed to reproduce it to my knowledge (Alniarez might have and just not told us, but as far as I know he was operating purely off the crash reports you guys submitted).

If this doesn't fix the issue, keep sending us the crash reports, give us screen shots, anything you can to help us nail this bug.

Also, this latest bit of fixing has given us an idea of the chief source of memory drain again, and unsurprisingly it's the high definition animations. We'll be looking into means to fix this, maybe not for the next build but before we move onto Alpha v2.01.



Awesome! Thanks.

ryu lee

Thanks! The game works fine now and love the new animation and the update town. :3


The game now crashes at the start for me. v1.03.3 works perfectly and the original 1.04.1 had a laggy but operational start while crashing at the farm. I will test on another computer and post results if there are any. <a href="http://pastebin.com/zDj9mnw0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/zDj9mnw0</a> <a href="http://pastebin.com/e9rr2pj3" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/e9rr2pj3</a>


Game crashes before the title screen even appears on my other computer. <a href="http://pastebin.com/ZBKNK2qn" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/ZBKNK2qn</a> <a href="http://pastebin.com/Kur7KPK4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://pastebin.com/Kur7KPK4</a>


This "hotfix" just made it worst lol.


So when I start the game I am constantly walking left


I have a problem with getting to the farm. There is a bug with loading the farm area, after the loading screen, it just stops working. It get's stuck on a black screen, the game doesn't crash and there's still playing music. And I looked into the Task Manager: in the applications tab it says the program is okay, but when i look into the processes it clearly shows that the game is completely "frozen" the usage of the RAM is stuck, the numbers doesn't get higher or lower.


jey the dog girl just keeps following me cleaned the feiled and i think imet every one


Thanks for the heads up. We must have forgotten to program in her leaving you after the farm.


Hey friend. just chiming in letting you know im able to open the game little laggy at first but seems to work just fine! Thanks!


when i go to the farm it loads then the screen goes black forever


Hey Guys. I still can't even get the game started it crashes almost immediately upon running the file.


The game doesn't open and gives me an error file. How do I send it to you guys?


Mine opens perfectly fine now, however when I got to the bridge and talk to the dog lady and skip the intro my game had a black screen for a long time.


1) the game opens VERY slowly and laggishly, but it works! (reminds me of IT classes- AS LONG AS IT WORKS)


2)It would seem I am but a drop in the bathtub when it comes to this buuuuuut. the farm zone doesn't work at all. I went around the island since I wanted to see what changed from my last time (and change it did!!) but as soon as I entered the farm zone the screen went black. sound works. windows says it should work. but it doesn't. When you try to close it, it throws a fit and turns "not responding". THAT IS ALL FOR NOW


Everything folks are telling us, combined with the crash reports, has given us what is almost certainly the issue. There may or may not be a second bugfix for this one, but if there is it'll be out on the 15th at the latest. We think the game is intantiating too many high memory usage objects in the scenes that are lagging and falling apart. It's a persistent issue with the latest versionof unity so we're looking at a work around.


Well when i open the game, it just remains black. like for totally forever.


Hey friendos. Just me the big german. saying everything seems to be working fine within the game, havent run into any bugs. like i said its a tad little slower when opening but still works smoothly!


this is supossed te be the fixed one ? because is still crash!


how i can send the crash issue?


Demo version seemed like a cool game but the patreon version doesnt work at all, can I get a refund please?


So is the alpha fixed for this version or is it still experiencing start up issues, I seem to be getting a black screen every time it boots up.