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The Magenta Marauders are amongst the cruelest of the pirate bands.While the Blooded Buccaneers are more feared, that has more to do with their commonality than their cruelty. The Buccaneers will gut you like a fish and burn down your house, but at least they'll make it quick. The Magenta Marauders however raid for slaves. No one is sure where they sell them off too, but they especially like to target farms and steal monsters from them.

Beware an attack by the Magenta Marauders, if you can't fight off their attack, or are unable to track them down before they get too far away, then they'll make off with your monsterous companions, possibly never to be seen again!




now that we know of all 4 types I can calmly say that *hisses* I'M TAKING THESE ONES OUT FIRST. NO ONE TOUCHES MY BABIES. Great work guys, every group poses a different problem.