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Wanderers are much like Adventurers, but they tend to travel in caravans or use methods of payment that buy them passage without having to spend actual money. For example, Occultists and Scholars often work as weather-watchers, while Doctors and Merchants ply their trades on the ships they join, and give kickbacks to the captain and crew of the vessels they board. Elders meanwhile usually carry passports and authorizations from townships, recieving special dispensation from the Guilds to travel between the various towns and islands of the world free of charge. Any and all of these might be found on any island, visiting temporarily, before stepping onto a new ship and heading on to a new location.



Tomoyuki Saito

Wow these guys are...smart! Now If only people back in the day did this sort of thing XD I mean Merchants always did the Vessel and Caravan thing but if those who were skilled in medicine actually more often went on vessels during their travels the death rate of those voyages would be lowered by substantial degree. Although i'm not too sure how often Scholars and Religious people became meteorologist, but i'm pretty sure they would only use such knowledge for personal or religious gain...Elders well I doubt most if any would care leaving their homes at such a age just to explore the world but eh XD


Aw man, roaming npcs, woot woot! <a href="https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.meme.am%2Fcache%2Finstances%2Ffolder675%2F400x%2F65010675.jpg&amp;imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmemegenerator.net%2Finstance%2F65010675&amp;docid=52J8nu0774eYQM&amp;tbnid=g8JIZnOTrloXbM%3A&amp;vet=1&amp;w=400&amp;h=276&amp;client=ms-android-samsung&amp;bih=511&amp;biw=360&amp;q=thomas%20the%20hype%20train&amp;ved=0ahUKEwiAuvHTw5bRAhVS0mMKHfzuBjEQMwhiKBYwFg&amp;iact=mrc&amp;uact=8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.meme.am%2Fcache%2Finstances%2Ffolder675%2F400x%2F65010675.jpg&amp;imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmemegenerator.net%2Finstance%2F65010675&amp;docid=52J8nu0774eYQM&amp;tbnid=g8JIZnOTrloXbM%3A&amp;vet=1&amp;w=400&amp;h=276&amp;client=ms-android-samsung&amp;bih=511&amp;biw=360&amp;q=thomas%20the%20hype%20train&amp;ved=0ahUKEwiAuvHTw5bRAhVS0mMKHfzuBjEQMwhiKBYwFg&amp;iact=mrc&amp;uact=8</a>


There actually were traveling doctors and such, they often worked through traveling caravans. And most of science of the world is currently devoted to meteorology and aeroscience. Occultists in turn use their rudimentary magics and rituals to control the weather. And they are using those things for personal gain, they are generally paid for jobs at each location they reach, and use their services to pay passage on the vessels themselves. Elders don't leave to explore the world, they leave on specific missions and meetings with other towns.


I see their moving over to Man on Man action... to be honest... not my cup of tea... nothing against it and all that... but not something that i would enjoy watching...