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Many of you have likely noticed how Evan and Eve both have only 3 abilities, rathern than 4 abilities (or 3 abilities and 1 passive). Their fourth ability will be granted with the Geno Driver, a special item that will let them use the essences of ancient, draconic species, the Saurian species, and transform into them for a single big blast attack. The first one you will find i the Virulent Cell of the Saurian Lizardman, a creature of myth that was said to have poisons so potent that they would corrode metal and blacken the very earth. One myth says the Void is the product of the Lizardmen waging a war upon the earth, and so it became so decayed and crippled that it fell apart. With no earth to stand upon, the Lizardmen themselves went extinct.

We're still discussing if the Genodriver forms will have sex scenes, and if they do, if they will be sprites or full HD scenes. It honestly looks like it's going to be a 'if we can, sure' thing, but don't count on it for the initial release in 2 years.




One word... HUMMUS! (Just kidding, the word is "awesome" :D ) Even if it's just a sprite scene, I'm fine with that. they're really enjoyable to watch as well :D


I will play this game when it becomes free...but I will never become a patron...never for the traitors by the names of S-purple and subtank


If you haven't, you should read S-purples side of the situation at: <a href="https://archive.is/rYOYV." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://archive.is/rYOYV</a> You are of cause entitled to your opinion anyways. As a note: Team Nimbus have stated in the past that the game won't likely just become free, but that you will probably be able to buy it for a fixed price when it's finished (there opinion on this topic could of cause change ).


I'm definitely considering becoming a Patron in the near future, and I loved playing the free versions of Breeding Season. I did want to ask though if you guys were looking for an extra writer? I'm an aspiring novelist and comic book writer and feel I could contribute and help craft epic tales and quests :D.


To give you an idea of my work, here's a short video for a game I was working on a while back. The story has developed significantly since this video but it's sort of a representation of my ideas manifested in a game. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqEp_tBxKu0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqEp_tBxKu0</a>

Aron Marczylo

Very interesting...Can't wait for the next release and hopefully see more Evan.

Foxy Paladin

Right now, not at the moment. If you could email us at freeaccess@cloudmeadowgame.com with all the information/resume, we can have it available for when we are looking to expand. Thanks!


We appreciate the gesture and we'll consider you for the future, but at the moment we're not looking to hire anyone additional to the staff. ~JH