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Jerikan is your friendly, everyday monster sales person. He transports monsters upon his overly large flying fish and sells them for fun and profit. In the past he was once a great and powerful Feind, an entity summoned from the depths of the Void! Unfortunately, he got suckered into a botched summoning, and was stuck inside of a lesser imp's body. Worse, the cursed mask he was bound to seems to have absorbed the greater part of his feindish nature, rendering it nigh-indestructible, and leaving him stuck on this plane even when his former thaumaturgical master was slain by some random adventurers. Now he tries to make as much money as he can in the grey areas of monster transportation, sale, and training, accepted by the Guild as a necessary Evil. Jerskan fills a niche in the economy that could have been filled by much more dubious characters (which is saying something!). You'll be able to buy special monsters from Jerskan, and sometimes he'll give you quests related to his overly hopeful return to power!




great character traits! i love it


This game is a big shit, your demo sucks. Bye.


Love this game


Sorry you feel that way. Hope you revisit us in the future when we've made further improvements!


Don't know why....but when I saw the mascot looking npc i immediately screamed Caith Sith...


I love the cat mask face lol