Activation of the Charge Upfront System (Patreon)
To our followers and patrons, we have just activated the Charge Upfront System. This has made it so that if you are to become a patron of ours at all, then you will need to pony up the money right away, and then be charged every month following that one at the beginning of the month. This should solve the issues with the fluctuations at the beginning of each month in terms of how much money has been pledged, versus how much we have actually earned.
This was done in the face of several very blatant people actively faking access in order to play the hotfix build, and the massive fluctuations in how much we managed to make, versus how many declined payments we suffered (with as much as a 10% loss each month from what we were expecting, not including declined payments).
The changes will not effect people who have already pledged. That means the last major dip we'll ever be having will be at the end of this month, not including Declined payments. After that, no one will be able to give fake pledges to us.
Today or tomorrow I'll also be releasing our information on how much money we've made this month.
Finally, as a reminder to all, if you wish to gain access to our builds at the same time as our paying patrons, then you can gain 3 months of $5.00 level access for free by following the instructions found in the Free Access Tagged Posts