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First, you should know there's a stream going on: https://picarto.tv/Fuzzamorous

Secondly, have a look at Jaero's flower shop! Lots of water, and tons of seeds. Any seeds you recover from the wilds will be sold here as well, everyone's favorite Mandrake cultivating them and specially growing the seeds to resell.




i will just go ahead and assume that you have, of course, referenced the obvious "seed" pun.


Sorry if this is an inappropriate place to ask, but is there a place like a forum or something where your audience can give you feedback? I'm a new player and I've got quite a bit of feedback I'd like to give, but the comment section here on patreon doesn't really seem like an appropriate place to do so. An email address to one of the devs would also be acceptable.


Heath's pretty good at looking at the comments on the most recent post, but you could try here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/CloudMeadow/community">https://www.patreon.com/CloudMeadow/community</a> One thing to remember though is that the game`s really, really early in development, so a lot of what you see in the current version won`t necessarily be in the final version. The combat system for example's going to be replaced.


I'm not a patron, so I can't post there. I'm aware that things are likely to change going forward given how early a stage the game is in at present, however feedback can help developers see some things from a player's perspective that may not be immediately obvious, or give them an idea of the kinds of things the players would like to see going forward.


You have to remember that the public access version is one version behind the current patron build. If you told them about issues in public build (1.02.2), it might have been fixed already or in process of fixing (patreon build atm is 1.02.3) The better option would be to sign up for the $2 a month so that you have the patreon access and be able to comment.


I'm aware that the public access version is behind the patreon version, however the feedback I'd like to give is less specific and has more to do with general game feel aspects. What I'd like to say is also rather long winded and unsuitable for a patreon post. Beyond that, the game is not in a state that I feel comfortable supporting financially, and I'm not about to just sign up for support to post and then remove said support, that'd be pretty shitty. Either way, I think having a forum of sorts would be highly beneficial for them going forward, as it would be a way to build a community around the project and provide new players with resources and help for when the game moves past the alpha stages and becomes more complicated.

Foxy Paladin

If freeaccess@cloudmeadowgame.com isn't an acceptable email for you, you can email me your questions, comments, and concerns at thefoxypaladin@gmail.com. I'm the communications person and I can send them directly to the team.

Foxy Paladin

Also in regards to a forum, it's already been apart of our goals and you can see that if we reach $13,500, we'll be able to afford one and be able to manage it. Until then, you can email us. Every email is read.


Thank you. I'll be sure to send something along later when my mind is less addled by sleep deprivation.


I just have a suggestion to maybe incorporate, its a very small option for the next version. And I am a Patron. Sound and Video Controls. Mainly, the ability to tone down the music a bit, and be able to go to a larger screen size or even full screen

Aron Marczylo

wow he just spreads his seed everywhere, doesn't he?


Adding Volume shouldn't be too difficult, we'll probably tone down the volume anyway to start even if we don't include a volume button in options until Alpha 1.04