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Skills are a big deal for our combat system, and we have a ton of fun designing them. Every character has at least three active skills, and one passive skill, a few characters might have more that they flip between, but these are the exception, not the rule. All characters have a form of 'ultimate' ability which cannot be leveled up further than 5 points, but by romancing the character, or by gaining the loyalty of a monster, then that ability can be upgraded even further, often transforming the base nature of the ability as a whole.




those look quite formidable, my favorite is the harpy.


It's probably too much work (since there are so many combinations) but it would be so cool to see that ultimate ability change visually depending on which romance influenced it. Or perhaps to make that ability become a "tag attack" where both involved characters perform one awesome action? It's just wishful thinking though ;)

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

Maybe it's just me, but I feel like the background forYonten's skills should be white and grey instead of that beige/brown colour. The current backgrounds look kind of bleh.