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Kaledia is a Brownie, and a fortune teller. She'll be part of a set of seasonal events, as well as a traveling NPC you can cultivate a relationship with. In battle her abilities focus around buffing and debuffing, rather than straight damage, making her a force multiplier and support character. Also, she may, or may not, peg people in the head with her crystal ball, we've not really decided yet.




just for being short-stacked you already gained my attention


Adorable, and just oozes character already. Very cool.


When you say you haven't yet decided if she pegs people in the head with her crystal, what you really mean is you haven't decided whether she gonks 'em in the head or if she gonks 'em in the groin, right? Also, minor constructive criticism about this drawing: it's a little hard to see her pupils up in the corner next to her dark eyelashes. A scootch over or down a pixel or two would probably help her pupils read a little better. Or maybe *my* eyes are the problem :P Love her design!


I will now be profoundly disappointed if she DOESN'T peg people in the head with her crystal ball. :p


Ew, why do all npc have such huge breasts ? Small breasts need some love too.


I was aldready really disapointed to see that the catgirl had large breasts in the sex animation, as opposed to her concept art. I wonder if this a part of your "no loli" policy. If this is the case I'd like to emphasize that petite or "young-looking" character are not loli and I higly doubt that drawing those would get you in any trouble at all.