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Have some first passes at two of our minor NPCs who will still get full VN portions. The owl gal is currently undergoing some serious changes, but will be the one who greets you on the docks, while the other is an example of the Town Guard in Cloverton

Next month we'll be focusing on getting the interiors made, and before anything else, we're going to be stripping out and replacing the combat system. It'll look the same, but we'll be hooking everything together in such a way that it should avoid most of the bugs, far less hardcoding of things (and thus less things that can go wrong when one single bit is off kilter. Things will still go wrong, but hopefully not in the 'everything crashes and burns' sorta way).




I love that owl *_*


The owl is fantastic. Very inventive design.


Still loving that color scheme and style.


I wish to romance owl lady. Lord I'm swooning over her!


Dang it, I want to bang the owl lady.


it is certainly interesting to see the changes between this draft and the actual guide in the game ^^


Actually Jubelle was planned at this time as well! She was always meant to be the person who guided you, while this one is meant to be a more minor greeter that holds down the counter and runs customs. Though this lovely Owl is Jubelle's boss.