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Getting close to that core team :D Should achieve it with the next demo out (hopefully) :D If I may suggest something, I think a big part of the high patron success of BS was in the art posts on the blog. I know it's extra work, but I think it might be a nice idea if Spurp could post some artwork samples from time to time. To show the people, who don't regularly follow, what has been done, and how much.


I agree heavily with Artakons. On BS I frequently only played every other release just because I waited for enough changes to make it worth my time - but I checked in daily for new art snippits and character designs.


I'll bring it up to S-Purple that he should do so. ~JH


That is a really good idea. Maybe dont make some of it not Patreons only, because people who do not follow it constantly wanna see if the game does even make any progress. A lot of ppl got burned once or twice by projects, i´m sure of that


Yeah, basically what I had in mind was an occasional art update, with only the most important parts (so if there is a new monster, island, important part of the gameplay etc.), so not EVERYTHING that Spurp is making, but just some stuff. And make those posts public, so that visitors could see that the project is progressing successfully :D That could encourage more people to donate :)


All new art is here <a href="http://yontenfanclub.tumblr.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://yontenfanclub.tumblr.com/</a>


That's a nice tumblr :D That's exactly what I had in mind for the posts on this patreon page. Just for the sake of showing the progress to non-patrons :)