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Current Build:


Judge Heath here,

We've updated our goals, as more information has come in. Taking into account our our rate of growth,  how much we'll need from various people to keep them on retainer, covering costs on insurance, taxes, moving people, buying studio space, and loads of other stuff, our previous goals were not clearly defined, and a few were even overly optimistic. The $15,000 level goal has been changed to $16,500 level, the $25,000 to a $30,000, and we now have a $13,500, $20,000, $22,500, and a new $25,000 level goals.

To give you a quick rundown, we've set exact goals for when Team Nimbus will be hiring on the rest of the team (second animator and programmer, fulltime SFX and writer, and part time PR/Community Manager). Without meeting those goals, positions, including my own, are not sacrosanct and might have been laid off for months at a time before hiring us on again, simply because S-Purple can't maintain paying us all out of pocket indefinitely. The core systems will be seen too (art, animation, programming) just from meeting the $9000 dollar goal, and I'm currently working on documentation to make my role as redundant as possible except to effect course corrections should it come to that, but the higher we get? The more complete and functional a game you guys will end up getting.

We've also come to a decision on the final disposition of the game. Anyone who has contributed to the game, as in has actually given money to the patreon at any time, will get the product for free, but we'll probably sell the actual game online through some form of download site following that.

Edit: We also are considering a $10 patreon level where each month we give our $10+ Backers the codes and a full res image of the banner we have commissioned each month as the picture for each release.



It's good to see you guys growing so fast :D I think those are fair goals, and I wish you guys a quick completion of those, so you can work full-power :D


Yay, 10 dollar tier! how often did i say, that i want one ;D i hope, you reach the goals, so that you can work without money pressure. may the growth be with you.


I like where this is going.


Y'know, Nutaku is saying that there willing to fund some adult games in dev. You should submit this and see if they can reach your goals faster. Although, I hope it wouldn't stop you from doing any of your promises to your backers. This is just a suggestion.


We're planning on looking into it when the first development cycle is done.


Is this game ever going to have a public release? is this happening in the near future? i plan on pledging however id rather has a taste of the game first.


If you're a former breeding season patron (at any time in the past) look here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/free-access-6485189">https://www.patreon.com/posts/free-access-6485189</a> Otherwise the public release will be at the end of the month.


I would like to know if and how much gay male content will be going on in this game and also the amount of animations?


There will be exactly as much gay male content as there is straight male content, and straight/lesbian female content. All monsters get a sprite animation of sex with every other possible monster )not full fuzzamorous animation scene). Both male and Female frontiersman will get exactly 1 scene with every monster and NPC. So if the female frontiersman gets a full scene with a character, so does the male breeder. There -might- be exceptions to this (characters who are purely straight or gay for example), but it's unlikely.