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Judge Heath here everyone

We think we've finally nailed this issue. Everyone who applied in July should have gotten their email by now, and we've found an easier way to handle this. Sadly, a business account through something like MailChimp is simply not possible, as almost universally such systems forbid the usage of them for pornographic content. With that in mind, we'll be moving to a system utilizing One Drive to distribute access to the demos. These demos will be uploaded to specific folders that we'll share with each group of applicants based upon when they signed up, the following rules are set up by our PR and Communications expert, Foxy Paladin.

July applicants who have not received their emails need to contact us at freeaccess@cloudmeadowgame.com, our brand spankin official new email!

We'll be sending out invitations through OneDriveOctober applicants MUST email freeaccess@cloudmeadowgame.com to be added into the system

Current August applicants can still email us at cloudmeadowgame@gmail.com.

Cloudmeadowfreeaccess@gmail.com will be removed! Please do not respond or email this account!

Please keep these things in mind when applying for the free access, and sorry for making this so difficult.


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