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Installation Instructions can be found here.

The code for this month can be found here.


  • Updated the Monster Traits UI. New UI now shows parents and allows clicking them to step through a monster’s ancestry.
  • The roll to determine which traits are inherited by offspring is now weighted by grade. Higher grade traits - positive or negative - now have a higher chance of being inherited.
  • Improved Incubator and Hot House UI. Parent icons on these menus now link to the Monster Traits UI.
  • The Cooking UI has been improved:
    • Added context tooltips & UI changes elements to the Cooking UI to make it easier to understand mechanics and interactable components, such as active ingredient quality selection.
    • The quality of the cooked items is now shown when cooking recipes.
    • Each ingredient in the cooking experimentation tab now only shows once, instead of one for every quality stack. When selecting an ingredient in the experimentation tab the lowest quality available is always selected first. The best is always selected first when cooking with a recipe.
    • Trying to cook a known recipe from the experiments tab now results in a related message about cooking with the recipe, instead of being a failed experiment.
  • Combat Status Effect changes:
    • Units can now gain the same status from multiple sources. This allows us to design and adjust combat abilities, while avoiding certain unit ability combinations canceling each other’s effects.
      • The only current exception to this is Stun and Sleep. Each unit will only ever have one active source of these statuses: new sources will refresh the active duration.
      • Other Combat Status effects will now only refresh/stack when that status is applied by the same ability and same unit as an existing effect.
    • Damage over time Status Effects now deal a flat damage value per turn. This value is determined by 25% of the caster’s Intuition stat, instead of being a percentage of the target unit’s current health.
  • Combat UI changes:
    • Unit status bars are now shown on the sides of the screen instead of above each unit, along with an icon for that unit, to reduce the amount of clutter above each unit.
    • Active status icons in combat will now show one icon for multiple/combined effects. This includes opposite effects, such as Defense Up and Sunder.
      • e.g. If Defense Up is active and a Sunder effect is applied that has a higher value than the active Defense Up, then the Sunder icon will be shown with a value minus the value of Defense Up.
      • The tooltip for combined Statuses can now be right-clicked, which will show each of the individual statuses that are being combined.
    • Combat floating text now shows more details about status changes, or statuses that fail to apply: a change icon, as well as the related status icon.
    • Previous floating text, like “Crit” or “Resist”, was replaced with new icons to reduce crowding when lots of floating text displays at the same time, from multiple units.
    • Changed the position of Brontide’s ‘Brace’ minigame icon, and added floating text to show the damage blocked by a successful brace.
  • Combat will now show a nameplate at the top of the screen for every active unit, as well as any active ability. This is true for both allied and enemy units now.


  • Fixed an exception that would occur when canceling an item selected to use in Combat.
  • Fixed an issue with inherited trait design, where it was occasionally impossible for new monsters from the same pair of parents to ever be created with certain combinations of their traits.
  • Fixed issue where some ingredients were still being displayed in the cooking experiment tab, after all related recipes for that ingredient were discovered.
  • Fixed an issue where Cloverton could sometimes fail to load after frequent visits.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to use the protagonist’s fourth slot ability while it was still on cooldown.



a juicy update


not sure as to what's going on, but when i go to the docks to explore a dungeon for the first time, i am unable to move, this is after selecting my party.


I am running into the same problem. The scenic animations get stuck and the running around the city has lag, too. After exiting the whale ship for the first time it takes 2-3 minutes until I can talk to Jubilee, and the first time going to the dungeon island I am just stuck. The dialogue with the mine owner does not start. I was looking forward to the update, but it seems I have to wait a bit longer :/

declon james

same problem I get to Katrina and stuck


Cant move first time arriving on the island

declon james

how do you delete a saved game?

Rune Shadow

Something's a little wonky with this release, the scenes in town are really choppy and when you try to hit space to speed along conversations they go at a record pace, also when trying to fight the monster in the barracks in the tutorial they actually gain health when hit and go over their maximum listed health


Does herculean really coexist with strong? I never succeed in creating a monster with both herculean and strong.


hey, yes, since the issue is that the starting dialog will not start, u can just load an older version of the game, go to the island and start the dialog, save the game, load the new version and you are good to go since all versions share the same save game folder :)


The game now crashes as soon as I try to harvest plants in the dungeon.


Is this the same version that is on steam. What is the difference in steam and patreon versions?


im getting stuck as soon as i leave the inland