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Installation Instructions can be found here.

The code for this month can be found here.


  • Fixed exception from attacking with Kreyton at full charge



What a terrific game! Made it through mid autumn with the new build so far. There is so much content going on in this game, great job! Could the mechanic for feeding monsters be like seeds and fertilizer? That way you could skip having to select bread 25 times per day. Have you considered a single monster screen instead of, or as well as, by individual pasture/barn? another suggestion is a "sell all" button in the essence ledger(by type preferably). It is very easy to have to spam the minus sign 200 times per day. The game is perfectly stable for me, unless Kreyton is added to the party. The longer you play with her the more often it crashes. no Kreyton, no crashes. It doesn't seem to matter what she does, but i have a feeling its about her attacking multiple targets.


I have since figured out that holding shift while selling essence sells all.