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We found a method to streamline the process, but due to our email limitations, it'll take us a day or three to get them all out. Please be patient with us.

Original Post

Judge Heath here, and kinda pissed off.

So guess what? GMail and various other services kill off any emails sent with over 100 recipients, or even kill off any additional emails you send if you send more than X per day?

We're trying to find a way around this problem. Gmass is the way we're thinking about doing it, but the process will extend over a period of days to get around the issue...

Some of you guys probably already have your free demo, but we're really unsure how to go about doing this with the resources we have available. We can't afford our own whole email server for example, nor the work to make a custom client, and we don't dare use any of the 'bulk sender' type things, for fear of getting caught in your spam filters.

If anybody has ideas, please submit them here while we research the issue.

PS: I'm really being more angry than I should be at GMail. They just want to stop spammers from using their email service. Still frustrating. Going to stay up for a little bit longer trying to solve this, and if some of you guys get a duplicate email (or five if we're particularly unlucky) it's probably because we're testing out various methods of sending out the demos without triggering the spam protection of Gmail or your own clients.

For anybody who hasn't gotten a reply to your application email, Foxy Paladin will be getting to them on Monday.



I hope you still took the time to sleep

Yron Vol

Sometimes the countermeasures to take out the bad guys end up biting us in the ass :(


I know you said your had a method already, but just a note on this, this is why services like constant contact and mail chimp exist they let you import and opt in emails into a list so that you can avoid being labeled a spammer(day job is in an advertising agency) so yeah there are certain things a mass email needs to have and there is a "paper trail" need for opting in and confirming by the recipient. If the solution you are using doesn't do these things, it will just happen again. Not criticizing just trying to help btw, thank you guys for your hard work on this.


I'm not sure how you're doing budget wise, but wouldn't something like Mailchimp or Addemar be a solution to your problem? Those services allow you to create mailing lists and send bulk emails to a whole bunch of recipients. Most of our clients use those services for bulk email instead of letting the web application we built send the mails, so we prevent our server from being blacklisted.


"A day or three." Papa bless. In all seriousness, though. Thanks for the hard work. I know life has a tendency to fuck up all good intentions. Get some sleep, guys.


Heres an idea howabout u give all the money you stole from the breeding season team back. That way all my money and all the potential wasnt wasted! :)


I know you're sore, but read both sides of this argument before making a statement so erroneous.


HBomb has/had enough money to create a whole new team(who knows what he has done with it now). It was his own intentions to completely kill it. Ask him why he didn't to carry on a project he supposedly cared so much about.


maybe jjkillerxx is an alias for HBomb. he does have some very hateful tendencies and would be the type of person to do such a thing.


@devteam : use <a href="http://mailchimp.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://mailchimp.com/</a> to send emails, they are a email service for mass send, so they should be free from spam filters


We don't particularly care as long as they pay up their pledge tomorrow and don't immediately jump ship (Not that I'd suspect them of doing so, we provide a much easier method of pirating from us after all with the free access system). But a warning to jjkillerxx. Don't spam the comments consistently with such things, it's not appropriate behavior and if we get enough complains from our other users it will result in a ban. As long as our community doesn't think you've crossed that line though, you can accuse us of theft all you like. ~JH

Tohoko, the LEWD Writer

Tohoko to the rescue!!! I looked for a few hosting services with e-mail functions for my dad a while ago, so if you're ok with out-sourcing that problem, I can do some research for an e-mail service that offers mass e-mail send-outs without any sort of limitations that is reliable and allows for file attachements... Feel free to send me a private message with whatever request or specifications you might desire, I'll be glad to help any way I can in order to relieve as much stress as possible. Note: it might mean you'll have to use a different e-mail system than what you already have set up... that being said, it'd be a great opportunity to gather everything and everyone into a single place for an easier community development/growth(eliminating the BS fanboys/CM haters and random trolls in general) at the same time. I firmly believe that we are in need of a dedicated forum where people can suggest ideas, learn more about the current development of the game, discuss various topics, stay in contact with one another outside of a picarto stream, etc. I am willing to do all the work for free. Maybe even pay for the hosting myself if I am able to afford it(probably not but we'll see). Just let me know if you find the idea appealing and I'll get right on it. You know how to contact me so it shouldn't be too hard to discuss the details.