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This is a super shoddy release, we're almost certain that this build will work on almost all windows systems, and allow you to get to the end and see everything. Attached we have the sprite sheet for the eventually character combat animations, which hopefully will be released in the near future. We got some other quality of life touchups we plan on finishing off before Wilson goes to a permanent backburner position, so that we have a more firm base to build from.

Specifically, sex animations are broken in game, you can access them, but then you can't get out of them, nor can you see the climax. The same problem applies to the album, which is why there's no codes this time around (The code was just to unlock the album ahead of time). I'm putting everybody to rest on this, and sticking the .swf files (stick them in internet explorer, they should run) into a separate folder in the zip for your enjoyment.

Download the attachment, and unzip it. Press enter to advance dialogue or otherwise interact, arrow keys and/or wasd keys for movement in the single free movement section. Battle abilities are clicked to activate, then click the enemy to target them. Sex animations should have been clicking on the lovely pair having a good time on the haystack, and then clicking which one you wanted to have a good time with, then clicking on the climax button to see that part of the animation and ending the loop, but it's just stuck for some reason on the loop animation. We'll fix it come monday.

Now is the time to make your votes for how long we'll wait before making this a fully public release.

-2 Weeks

-1 Month

-2 Months

-At the same time as we make the next release (variable amounts of time, might be a few days, a few weeks, or a full month)


S-Purple- Art Director and Project Lead
Judge Heath- Project Manager
Fuzzamorous - Animator
Wilson Wobbletop- Programmer
Alniarez- Programmer

Panzermeido- Writing
Hdoomguy- Pixel animation for Catgirl x Cowgirl

*Special thanks to*
Foxy Paladin
Supporters like You!




We will wait for 1 month before publicly releasing any content that we've posted to our Patrons.


month seems fair


I would opt for 2, just to give us time to provide feedback and report bugs. Would I be wrong to assume this?


Also remember, voting for multiple things is allowed


This is entirely on the backers to decide, whatever happens we'll always be doing this. Keep in mind that what would be released in those cases (if you mean 2 months rather than 2 weeks) is that the public release would be the 2 month old version.


2 Months


Please hit the like button on the option you wish to vote for, simply stating it as a comment will not count as a vote.


so uh heh, i went to the cowgirl and catgirl outside my house, and the animations are stuck on my screen, i tried minimizing and trying to re select each but the animations are still stuck on the screen. first bug woooo lol


1 Month seems fair


Also just wanted to add the intro is beautiful


1 - Title menu is a bit blurry


2 - Can't seem to exit the sex scenes


oh i just realized, i was able to break away from yonten before we left the pub, maybe thats why it bugged


If i get annoying please let me know


Not at all, this all helps until we can establish a bug hunting forum. That said, we're probably going to be unresponsive until Monday. Wilson literally just passed out on the bed behind me as I uploaded this. He's gotten a total of 3 hours sleep in the last 48 hours I think. In fact, I think I'm going to go relax as well. This'll be my last comment until tonight when I start sending out the free access emails. Goodnight everyone. ~Judge Heath


Seems the fight gets stuck after the enemy makes his move.


I wonder how many people will report broken sex scenes even though it's the one bug you went out of your way to put in the post.


same the fight stops when his attack bar is full


Seems to be an issue for me interacting with anything... i.e. I have circled the two in the hay bale for almost 10 minutes trying to see if there is a pixel-perfect spot you have to hit 'Space' at, and I just can't find it... Or did I misread the instructions somewhere.


the catgirl animation in the album menu is grayed out and i cant watch it


you press enter but the animations get stuck on the screen


Album is currently screwed up a bit. There would have been a code to unlock those animations without playing them, but that's busted too. It's why there's a sex animations folder in the zip.


When the first mob attack, sometime the game crash


Holy hell, that cowgirl animation. I am totally down with this~


When the dialogue has fully appeared, sometime the text keep changing the line on it's own and fast (guess it can fit both actual and next line)


had that problem and decided best action is to attack him so he doesnt attack

Dr. Supersocks

I'd say put a public build out 1 month after the patreon release, starting with the first solid (no fatal bugs) build. Until the game is stable enough to stand on it's own, it shouldn't be advertised too much.


yea for me I get stuck right after u fight the big purple creature when they say welcome to cloud meadow then the controls don't work the music still plays tho


So whenever the first enemy's blue bar reaches max everything freezes and nothing happens. He won't attack and I can't attack back.


So I played the game of a couple of times and I realized a few things I wanted to bring forth. Firstly it’s a beautiful game, so far, very well done for the time you guys have done this in. So millions of cookies to each of you. Secondly here are the things I noticed when I played the alpha: - Glitchy walking for Yonten, like stuttering or skipping a bit as he walks. - Text jumping in the box it’s in, like twitching up and down. - In the beginning whale scene, some of the leading on the lines of the text are too close or almost overlapping - Personally I think the music is a little loud, maybe there is a feature in the future to turn down the music during gameplay? - Sometimes talking text is two lines and it leaves the last few words on another side, making the words orphans. I would recommend trying to make it three lines and or squashing it a bit so single words or two words aren’t left out for a single speech action. - During Yonten’s text sometimes the letters aren’t letters, they are characters, like they are in a different language. - During the combat scene I noticed a little of the windmill cut off, like something is mistakenly covering it - Froze for me a couple of times, once during the beginning introductions and once during the combat, different play through’s though These are just the ones I noticed, thought it might help to have them all together for you. Really excited for this game and the work you all are doing. Keep up the great work! It’s so amazing!


I encountered the same problem


Am I the only one that is getting a blank screen for the swf files? I tried other swf files I have and they show fine. I tested with Adobe Flash Player (the stand alone app), IE 11 and Chrome and I always get a white screen.


The game seems to crash whenever the crosses in the battle hit max also when the blue bar hits max in the combat. Also its hard understand what each attacks do. Some tool tips on what they do and tool tips on all the effects will help out a lot when your just getting started. In sex scene spot the animations stay up forever and won't close or disappear even if you walk away. There is also no indication what you need to do to get them to return to the person that owns the bar. No chat option or anything. Finally issues with text jumping on a few lines and a few small typing mistakes near end of conversation with the women that owns the bar.


I must have played 10 times, I cannot beat the combat before the enemy's turn. What attacks do I use in what order to pass this?


The horribly broken method we found and didn't have time to fix is to spam the main character's shovel attack (the left most attack made available when the Protag's blue bar fills up)


JH~ I'm going to investigate this and see if when Fuzzamorous gets on if he can just make us some gifs of those .swf files. We'll release them on another post.


The buttons for advancing through the intro, and maybe a few others, aren't sized quite right. The top chunk of the button won't trigger advancing the dialogue.


Id S Wait At lest a Mouth Or to Till You Sort/iron Out any Possible Major Bugs/Game Barkers Than Release The Relatively Bug Free Version ( minus Miner Bugs IE Bugs That Are Not Major/Critical Bugs )


For some reason it freezes up on the first screen after i pick my player weird because the album loads fine.


So have any Mac users among us been able to play? We can't use .exe files I was only able to play BS on their .swf format


Congrats! Under normal circumstances I'd say "Keep up the good work", but maybe take it a little easier?


won't let me play because i have a mac


i feel you i tried so many ways to try to get it to run


honestly a downgrade from breeding season....so upset that i lost breeding season for this...


game freezes during the first fight

Jathby Dredas

For an a1.01.1, this is quite impressive

Tom Raven

They've been working on this for just over a week and have been saying it's gonna be incomplete, what did you expect?


I'm also on mac. try using program called wine it let's you run windows programs on mac. :)


I pressed F and accidentally launched into a battle that I'm not sure is anywhere near where I was. The Catgirl and Cowgirl animations overlapped one another and didn't let me play either when i clicked on both. But hell, this is damn good for super alpha, good job!


Scratch that, pressing F at all for some reason launches into a battle, even at the first intro scene XD


Awesome work guys, especially given the small timeframe.


It was worth trying to play only for the nice yeti from the neighbourhood yonten! Buggy as hell, tryed it 10 times, till i throwed the towel. but i had really fun doing it ^^ awesome work, if we don´t forget the time, you guys had.


I'm glad that others managed, and you can receive the bug reports :D Unfortunately for me, for some reason I cannot get through the opening screen (where the flying whale is shown) I pressed all the buttons, and nothing (well, except when I pressed F, because then the screen got overlapped with the battle sequence with Grinder, but nothing was visible there, just the short talk he made). It doesn't matter though, I'm sure you guys will only impress us from now on :)


LOOOOL!! Flying whale ! Love your world already !


It's buggy but it still showcases what the game is getting at - which is great. I'd probably give the public release a months wait though.


So I will start with the beginning. I love the intro screen, it feels very friendly and welcoming and most importantly, official. On the first scene with the flying whale only the bottom half of the click box works. I thought for a while I was doing something wrong because I was clicking over the entire screen and kept missing where to actually click to advance. As far as I've been able to see there's no way to skip the introductory conversation before the boss battle, and as others have said, the [F] key initiates combat regardless of where you are (maybe this is meant to be a Skip button?) I would very much like to see a way to skip this for subsequent play-throughs, or just as a way to skip it if you aren't interested. The movement as the characters(sprites) move feels glidey and odd, they would speed up and slow down at strange times, I can't quite put my finger on it. But I do like the walk cycle and the feeling of moving around the town. Expanding on that, the world looks great, the art is fantastic and the houses look well designed (I popped into a few streams and enjoyed seeing them being drawn up and coming to life). The combat feels nice, as an RPG/turnbased strategy fan I can definitely see myself enjoying the combat when it is more fleshed out in later updates. My game kept bugging out during the actual boss fight when I used certain abilities so I can't comment about the later stuff, but I will say I'd like it if the abilities were given tooltips as I more or less just mashed my way through the fight. I am well aware this is the very first release and the timeframe the team had, this is not meant to be an angry or negative comment. These are just things I'm pointing out that I personally would like to see being improved on in later versions of the game.


So far things are looking pretty good. I'm excited for the promised M/M content that's coming later on.


It worked fine for me! I suppose there's nothing after the Grinder fight so I closed it. Only problem I had were the "next" buttons on the intro that are quite fussy, respond only when clicked on a tiny specific place under the text.


also there's music! It's quite nice! A really good job for how little time you had to work on this!


Have you tried clicking on the bottom half of the button to advance the screen?


I think ppl didn't see, that you can vote way down in the comment section....


Buggy but still awesome begin :P

Aron Marczylo

Buggy, but still cool. Do you mind if I post a bug report/suggestions for you? I'm sure most of them you'll catch yourself, but I'd like to help this project where possible.


Is it too soon to be a grammar nazi? Should be "Separated, they clung to individual islands" - "clinged" isn't a word. Also, you got "And it time", which fairly obviously should be "in". (Don't worry; I won't take you to task for overusing ellipses or beginning sentences with prepositions. I'm not THAT bad. :p) Actually, as I progress I'm noticing quite a few rough bits in the text (which is perfectly understandable, given how you've pretty obviously busted your ass to rush this thing out). If you'd like an editor, I'd be willing to work cheap - free in fact, as long as the load stays relatively light. Let me know if you're interested. Either way though, watch those typos. ;p


Great for an alpha, I mean buggy and there's some spelling/grammar issues sure, but what's there gives a sense of where you're going. I would vote to hold it for public release until the next release, just seems to make more sense to me.

Jason Muller

Looks good so far and I am excited to see how it improves. I will be waiting for the next update, after you guys get rested.


My biggest problem with the game right now would be the soundtrack, there is a part that changes between coming from left and right in a quick succession and this gives me headaches. :/


My first impression: Looks promising! I like the look and story. I won't go into detail about the bugs since it has a lot and it is pretty much the first draft so that is to be expected. Some notes on dialogue and characters: I think the dialogue that Yonten provides is a little awkward. Especially between him and our PC. Both are stuttering like insecure little schoolkids. I don't mean to sound negative. It just felt awkward to me. If that is his persona, so be it. Another point would be the introduction to the fight. It feels a little bit to videogamey, if you know what I mean. Perhaps it would be better to have a little window pop up and explain the mechanics instead of the NPCs because that took me right out of it. Also: This is my personal opinion. In no way or form do I demand that it has to be changed! I just want to give some feedback. I hope the comment section is the right place. Never done that before. Thank you anyway and keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to the next build! :)


Is there a way to play it on a mac?


game crashed on me during the first tutorial battle, still though, the design seems solid, the animations from the gifs were fantastic, and over all im pretty impressed with what i see considering this only the first month. you wanted to earn back some lost trust, well done.


Anyone elses game that freezes when the boss heals it self?


I'm having issues with the catgirl and cowgirl scenes staying on the screen


A bit buggy but it is an early build so I look forward for more. Good job though.


I got stuck during the battle. It stopped giving me abilities to use and the timers were frozen. Looks like a good start though.


Yonten so silly~


Froze during tutorial battle when the boss receives its turn. Also freezes when I make the masked woman do anything other than a basic attack. I didn't want to read any plot until more was done with the game so I could immerse myself in it. There's this slight jitter on the lines in the world as the camera pans. It's minor but could be symptomatic of something bigger when more assets are loaded. The opening animation masks the buttons but doesn't disable them, so I can click them before they're there.

Aromatic Hyena

pressing the F key on your keyboard at any point in the demo causes the fight scene to start. The animations don't close after being opened and a text box comes up saying "minimize" you can also play both animations at the same time. I've pretty much decided the game is unplayable right now as is. But that's completely understandable and I'm really impressed with the soundtrack, the art and even the amount of progress the team has made so far. Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next, more stable release (:


bug the game in the first fight for me . (how to get the code for the movie if you pay $ 5 per month ?sorry I not speak English correctly I speak french.)


CloudMeadowAlphaV0035_Data is missing in my download of the current version. Will not launch the game.


I'm having problems running the program. Getting error like "" Failed to initialize player"" so I have re-downloaded directx 9 and direct 3D to no avail... Can we get a swf. file like the other game?


The game refuses to launch.


getting stuck during the fight


Is it possible to get a copy of the working file? Just want to make it stable. You might not remember me, but i was the guy in the stream a week ago that said in a week i could make a demo of the gameplay you wanted for cloud meadow. However it was in flash. I did, it doesn't have art or animations, it works though. Its here: <a href="https://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&amp;t=6918" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&amp;t=6918</a>


While the idea is well put and we don't mind receiving it, we're already working on a bug fix that should be coming out in the near future.


Game always gets stuck in the first fight after the enemys turn to strike - during the "intro/tutorial"


Well this is somehow showing far more promise after such a short time being active. The one thing that bothered me is when the text box gets full, the blinking cursor causes the text to jitter around a bit since it decides to wrap the text to the "next line". Since you already know that the fight's a bust, I won't really talk on that, though the MC's third attack caused the fight to crash. Oh, and since we're voting, I think it would be best for there to be a clean tutorial if nothing more before the public release of the game. Personally, I'd like you guys to work at your own pace and not rush on our parts. We waited years for B.S. and a few more months isn't going to kill us. We're more than content to watch your streams in the mean time.


whenever I hit 'new game' the game freezes on the second or third text box of the flying whale screen. Anyone know how I could fix that problem/skip the text?


honest character of the BS I liked much more, sadly.


in the part after the combat is that it ? game seems to just stop there and cant move or anything just the music or am i missing something?


Thank you everyone for your comments and bug reports. The hotfix should be out in the next few days.


okey just gonna pull back my pledge right there and now... thank you the first impressions aren't... great...


Really hope it improves quickly. Right now, the game sucks. I supported and polayed Breeding Season a long time, and even though you claim personnel problems, or personality problems, it seemed far more promising than this one. I am patient and will wait a few months to see what happens, but right now, I am not impressed. Sorry.


So, I see others are having the same problem as me. During the fight, when the monster's bar is full and it is his turn to attack, the game just stops. Nothing can be done. He doesn't actually attack. Just nothing happens. Is there a solution to this yet, or is it coming in a hotfix or something? Or are we supposed to kill him before his first attack?


after the 1st fight the character when straight up and very slowly started walking down very slowly


Why even realese the game as is? Its basically unplayable, with the animations unable to be closed they cant be viewed- a core part of the game. And to that end, the only thing decent so far was the animation that was shown. The main character is unattractive, the amount of a dialogue dumb that happens so early on is terribly non interesting and is just "Here, you are forced to have all this information". Perhaps the game will evolve into something more than I'm predicting, but not as of right now. I preferred the early builds of breeding season far more, and actually enjoyed playing them. Saddens me that this is what you helped kill the game for.


Remember this is just a Alpha release, of course there will be problems, they probably released this demo so they can hear where people are having problems and glitches and then fix them , give this at least 3 months to see if it is worth it or not.


You can't even catch and breed monsters yet, this is proto alpha, as version say it's 1.01.1 wait until, 1.10.9 or 2.10.9? It'll be virtually an unrecognizable game. Can you imagine what ff15 would've looked like even 7 years ago? I bet there wasn't even anything playable yet. This stuff takes time, have some patience, games don't magically fall from the sky. (I'm not saying this should take 8 years, but again, even in 1 or two, I bet it'll the game you were expecting/hoping to have :)


How do i unzip the download it looks like a fun game but i cant unzip it and play it


You need a tool such as WinRar or 7zip in order to open the .rar, then extract it to a folder (select all of the files inside the .rar and drag them to somewhere) then open the CloudMeadowAlphaV0035.exe file


I just hope it wont be like half baked breeding season...


If the Combat is Good I am in. I mean for real. Slice Slice

Jacob Amaro

Gameplay &gt; Story &gt; Art - Diffuclty-Conclusion.


Still freezes after red bar fills during fight and animations still can't be cleared from the screen.


Hate to keep comparing it to BS, but I'm beyond impressed. Considering what I'm used to, this was a quick release that has a lot in it. The animation is well done, there's actually music and sound, keep it up team. Can't wait to see more!