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Man are these streams always so late at night, but they're kinda fun to watch and have in the background while doing some other thing. :)

Aromatic Hyena

On a Sunday? You guys are animals


Will this game be available on mobile? If not now, will ever be considered for the future?


Don't expect it after the 30th. We're just making up for lost time and trust.

Aromatic Hyena

I figured as much, keep up the good work! Don't let spurple hurt himself.


Hey tell Spurple to go easy on himself, i would hate it if he got hurt.


As that would require an overhaul of UI and control systems, and we'd have to PAY to keep it up on the various stores (if they would even permit us to post to them), that is exceedingly unlikely. I'm sorry.


I have been looking into this game and I think that the game has a much larger amount of entertainment, and more promise to succeed. I am a little bit made about the money that I put into Breading Seasons. Sorry about the email that I sent I had only read one side of the story and was pretty mad at the time.


Judge Heath here. Keep in mind, the money you poured into breeding season? Did what it promised it would do ultimately. Patreon doesn't promise that you will get a completed product, it promises you that you will fund a single month (or release depending on the set up) of development to the project you back. It's perfectly understandable that you were angry all things considered. But that money you put into breeding season, ultimately, is what is letting us make THIS game. Those goals? Those people aren't being hired as we reach them. They are hired NOW (except for the composer). S-Purple is pulling money out of his pocket for this project, the money he earned as his recompense for his time in Breeding Season. So your money, in a round about way, is still making sure this gets done.


Well you could always have a apk for download, so you wouldn't have to deal with an app store for android users. But because it'd be unfair to apple users, and so much work to port it, I dont think it'd be worth the effort to make the game mobile. Probably best to keep it as a computer game... As much as it hurts me to say that because I'd love it to be an app.


still i int putting a single $$$ until i dont see constent update ...... btw its called a SALARY and not a reward (recompense) and he made 500 000$ in what 3years??? And yea BTW you guys are at 5000/mouth (in 1 week since the realease) = 60 000$ a years so i guess he doesnt have to pulled all that big money you are talking about


I'm not sure what you mean? At the moment none of that money goes to Spurple. The first 3000 is a full-time salary for the programmer, another 3000 will be the full-time salary for the animator. Since only one goal is reached (the programmer), all the other team members are being paid from Spurple's pocket. You could say he is currently losing money, because he is investing all the savings into this project and the team members.


An incredible person, with such just actions and thinking, I'm sure this project will end up great.