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Or as I call it when I'm not being idealistic: "The Pie in the Sky Plan."

Judge Heath here,

This is a post about wild dreams, insane ideas, and stuff we simply cannot promise that we can deliver on. It is the 'oh hey, everything went exactly right, somehow the entire team reached enlightenment and no longer needs food or rest, and rather than going off to spread our divinely granted knowledge to the masses, we've decided to make a monster-porn game!' plan. Do not expect even a quarter of this full feature list to make it in. Just don't. I'm giving you guys this list on FAITH that it will NOT be used as a weapon against us in the future. Anybody uses this list against us? As a reason we didn't deliver on our promises? I never speak about our future plans ever, ever again, not here, not in the Streams, not in private messages.

These features will only be delivered if we can provided them universally, to every single monster. There will be no 'gaps' in the animations lists, there will be no monster who does not get just as many variants or pallet swaps as every other monster. And for that reason, it means that when you guys vote on a thing, on a decision for where our focus is going, that decision is locked in until every single applicable set of art assets has it applied. If you vote for gender swaps? That means every single Gender swap has to get as many animations as the already existing monsters. It means that each time you vote for an expansion of options, it will make each vote after that take longer and longer to complete. So I suggest that our $20 patrons commiserate among themselves somehow and come up with a plan of attack for what they want to en masse vote for once the first 10 monsters get done, because the earlier you guys vote for an option, the sooner it is going to get done, and the less likely it is to be struck from the voting list. I will say that the thing that will be the most cumbersome to add, once we have many variants, many palette swaps,  gender swaps, and other things, will be the monster species themselves, as each new monster species will have to play catch-up. Also, while I'm going to permit people to submit options for votes on new monster species, for the most part, except in a very few cases, they will probably be relegated to being a variant of an existing or planned monster species or an npc.

Example: If someone suggests "Bat" as an entire new species, then that might better be placed as a variant of Harpy or Vampire. In many cases, they might end up just being a random NPC if variants aren't voted for.

So now for the 'sugary, impossible, day dream, pie in the sky plan'.

-2protagonists, both genders.

-20 monster species, 2 genders each and intersex options, at least 3 sex scenes each (foreplay, milking, breeding), with 3 variants each. 6 pallet swaps a piece for both hair and skin colors, variable boob/butt sizes, hair styles, and cosmetic features like scars, birth marks, and imperfections.

-20 sexable NPCs including the ones you've seen, a bunny gambler who travels between the towns, the Barzerker, who censors enemy's bars to reduce their health permanently, the Nudist, a mage cursed by the gods to eternally be clothed, but who releases a stunningly beautiful attack after enough of the giant ball of clothing on her body is worn away by attacks, and other silly, random, extra characters.

-20 dungeon varieties, all with loot, their own species of monsters, and random layouts where you can proceed deeper and deeper for a greater and greater challenge. A new one would spawn weekly, before drifting away and being replaced by a new one. Looting these would bring in new monsters, more island additions to your own farm, and rare seeds or tools.

-A simple but fun combat and skill system where you can train up to four skills a character, and relationships can effect the power and abilities of characters. Combat will be based on a system similar to FF7's method of initiative, but we don't plan on putting in limit breaks.

-A fully fleshed out farming system, including field plots, the ability to dig anywhere, the ability to assign monsters to specific fields and duties to boost your crop yields and quality, random monster events, and a whoooole bunch of other stuff. All of it operating in semi-real time, with an energy system akin to Harvest Moon or Rune Factory limiting what you are capable of doing on your own.

-That monsters have a 'domestication' value dependent on how you breed them. That breeding be a risk, monsters with low domestication have a better chance of avoiding negative traits and getting high quality traits, but would have a chance of going berserk during the day or in battle, attacking friends. If a monster egg's domestication was too low (and you wouldn't know it until it hatched) it would spawn as an entirely wild monster, damaging your facilities and requiring you to battle it to protect your farm and monsters. Basically a risk/reward system to make breeding more interesting overall than it has been in the past.

-Several crafting and gathering systems for upgrading equipment, town facilities, and your own farm. Including smithing, enchanting, carpentry, cooking, and other such things. Preferably with minigames attached to each.

-The ability to raise, race, and explore on the backs of giant sky-marine animals that act as the transportation system between sky-islands in Cloud Meadow.

-A transit system between the major hub towns and a few other locations. Including skytrains, sky-barges, and sky-pirate attacks. Also rare random events that happen while traveling.

-That you can make cosmetic changes to your farm and home including such things as banners, nice furnishings, a useless piano, scare crows, the ever important haystack, and similar things.

-That the story will include an overarching plot over 4-5 chapters, where you battle skypirates, and unlock the mystery of the strange black corruption and the monsters it seems to be producing, that forever plague humanity and their domesticated monster friends.

Again, we don't expect to deliver on even a fourth of this much content. Let alone half of it. Not within our 2 year development plan. Maybe we'll make a sequel that will include more features, and we'll keep making sequels until we have ALL of the features. But please do not count on it. We don't even know if we can finish what I've outlined in the public post, let alone anything approaching one of these goals in this one. Some of these systems could hold up an entire game by themselves, let alone including them all in one game. But I felt that you guys should have some idea of what we'd like in an IDEAL world.




It's a nice list and that pie. That pie looks good.

Aromatic Hyena

I was kind of chuckling during this whole post its kind of like "here's all the things that would be awesome but won't be in the game" but since I'm here, I thought of something that might be easy to implement. The ability to swap your protagonists gender at the click of a button. That way people get to enjoy both sets of animations and the time and effort that gets put into those animations isn't wasted by the players only getting to view half of them at a time. This is something breeding season did not have.


To be honest I just want an update on the game rather then not hearing anything about it. I will be fine with whatever they do to make the game. Yeah I didn't really like the fact that there were only 2 options at the main menu that didn't even show what your character looked like.


My my this DOES sound ambitious lol. I don't think anyone in their right mind would expect a crew of just a few people to deliver all of those things. It took Blizzard, a multi gajillion dollar company, 11 years to make Diablo 3, and it had considerably less gameplay than all of that. Hopefully people stay realistic and realize that this is just a fun list of things a new team that's excited about a new project are kicking around. Kudos to you guys for the transparency, it's super refreshing and will make this whole thing more fun to back. Frankly if the entire game was just a gallery of monster sex you would still get my money, nothing else like this is really out there and i'm just glad you guys decided to keep going with it. Godspeed Team Nimbus!


Would it be a good idea to maybe make a discord chat for those in the $20 teir so we could talk out our opinions for votes? Or would it be better to just leave the vote anonymous?

Thomas Manthei

In last game pregnancy sex was not really explore at all is this something your team looking into? breeding game whit out it was let drown for me in last game :(


We'd prefer to leave the vote anonymous, but if you guys want to set up a $20 discord chat then we can see about doing so.


Unfortunately it falls under the category of "too much editing" but we can add it as a stretch/bloat goal I guess? We'll see what happens.


Good to dream. Ideas are always nice. Glad I'm here and supporting it even a little.


Sounds like an interesting plan to me. I hope it all works out ok.


Heh, this post sounds like if Peter Molyneaux had been a pragmatist. I wonder if he had posted something like this at the beginning of... well, any of his projects that people would have been less disappointed. It all sounds like cool stuff. I saw skypirates, and I have to say there MUST be a line about them looking for booty, or a protagonist say's "Lemme guess, you're looking for booty?" And the pirates say, "No, we want boobies!" or something like that.


When we used to do project proposals in class, we always had to break it down as "must haves," "should haves," "could haves," and "nice to haves." I loved seeing your list of "pie in the sky" goals broken down a little more, if you have the time.


The must haves are in the "Game Plan" Document. But the fact of the matter is that because this is a running development cycle, the "must haves" and "nice to haves" are largely going to depend on our capabilities. We have to first knock out the Alpha v1 to figure that out exactly. But if I had to state the nice to haves versus must haves, they'd break down as: -Movement, combat, farming, dialogue, skills, items, shops


Was actually worried that even posting this would qualify as Molyneauxing. ~JH

Dr. Supersocks

I like pretty much everything on this list except the wild breeding mechanic, since that is basically the complete opposite of what breeding is for. I feel like there is a better way to balance risk and reward. Obviously this whole list is just idealistic dreaming, but it's good to have a map of such things.

Thomas Manthei

Simbro team adding pregnancy to there game for fan like that stuff ☺


Naw man, you firmly established its "Pie in the Sky" nature straight up. Molyneaux never made it clear that the stuff he was saying was ideal and not planned for sure until he was halfway into working on a sequel.


'Combat will be based on a system similar to FF7's method of initiative.' - I do love me some ATB.


Have you already decided what types of monsters you will include?


My honest to goodness best wish is do what you can and are able to know, if you have to cut 90% of that and keep the 10% you can market as a complete game-GO FOR IT!!! But then try this, after you have a complete working product, however hairpinned and ducttaped together it might be, try taking it to another platform like kickstarter-or dickstarter-or some other crowdfunding site where people can buy into expanding it or making it bigger and better than it already is, and make sure to give yourself enough time and money to deliver on it-like, just pie in the sky here'100k$ and 1 year for all of the above' and then depending on what you get something like '200k$ and 2 years for this stuff too' but don't feel like pushing yourself; BS got stretched TOO THIN doing TOO MUCH and TOO SOON to get ANYTHING done. Best wishes guys-hang in there!


i promise to never use this to attack the team.