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Aron Marczylo

Was a lot of fun to see you guys in action and how hot the animations were :)


Team Nimbus i see this game looks great but my education is forcing me to this: Team Nimbus please slap S-Purple for being a total dick and i hope he will painfully get tortured in Hell!!!!


It would be beneficial for you to read S-Purple's post regarding this matter. There was a great deal of data in it that might alter your opinion.


It is what I said, it was a drama, but thanks to that, this project already have more than U$ 3000 in just some days of existence, a thing that many good projects don't have after months. people like that are just a consequence of that drama. And even you agree that SPurple have his reason to do what he did, he did destroyed BS by not selling his assets, and there will be people who can't forget that.


Nope, he hits rigth on the mark : would you even let people work one whole month without appearing, just before saying : "oh yeah guys, i'm off to work on something similar with another team. By the way, i started one month ago"? One have to be a total fucker to do that.


Yeah I guess he wanted to force people to stop wasting money on a project that would never be finished. I mean stupid people throw money at anything. Wootch is still getting 345$ per month and he abandoned his project 3-4 months ago, figures...


Only a fool climbs a hill to crown himself king and fails to notice the mountain standing behind him. Being incapable of accepting another's reasoning or circumstances is not proof of your concept, merely proof of mental or emotional inflexibility on your part.


Ok so ive read both posts, like legit read both of them word for word and honestly, S purples post is more professional and provides a lot more information and conversation posts to go off of then Hbombs and honestly I believe S Purples side of the story more so then H bombs. For all I know S purple was in fact a douchebag and a terrible person but he presented his case in a much more professional way that leads me to believe he will get this project done faster then H Bomb ever could.


Judge Heath here, normally I refuse to reply to such posts on principle. But I thought I would further educate you on a small fact. It's generally a really bad idea for you to slap the Project Lead and the guy who is handing you your paycheques. A lot of people seem to be confused on this. Team Nimbus is owned and founded by S-Purple, we didn't contact him and jack him from Breeding Season.


Really love the lot of interaction that the team have with the patrons


i don't know who is in the right (though hbomb's post a lot more childish, s-puprle wrote entire pharagraphs with images while h none ) but if S will hire people and manage this game with goals and whatsoever, this game has all to be the greatest h-game ever, with story,classic rpg and farming mechanichs etc. only seeing how this game develops we will have the truth. sorry for bad english and you're free to disagree with me :)


$3,666 per month Illuminati Confirmed


Deleted everything in this comment thread due to redundancy. Thank you Bryan for bringing information to future patrons attention, and thank you those who defended us, but don't inundate the comment sections with this stuff. ~Judge Heath


Ok, im really sorry for my language in my comment but I was really "pissed off" I really don't know why you did what you did, and I also think that both of you have have a part of the fault. This game looks great maybe even better than breeding season was but I don't have the time to wait until it's going to be finished. The thing that Breeding Season was destroyed was more Important for me than the thing that the team was destroyed(and yes I know that means that I am cold hearted). I didn't know that team Nimbus was funded by S-purple. But I don't know if that really changes anything. I'm sorry for not controlling myself in that moment. (none of you influenced me or made me to reply.Replying back to say sorry was my decision) I hope both of you are going to get on your feet(H-bomb and S-purple) because having 2 games seems more convenient than having 1 or none.