Game Build: Beta v0.1.2.4c (Patreon)
2021-09-01 22:53:49
Installation Instructions can be found here.
The code for this month can be found here.
- Lower the shard prices of island expansions by 20%
- Fixed construction UI icons having bad positions at larger resolutions
- Fixed typos in the Joy King dialogue
- Fixed typos in Orchid’s day 1 introduction dialogue
- Fixed typos in Clodagh's day 1 introduction dialogue
- Fixed typos in the day 1 boarding station dialogue
- Fixed typos in the introduction monologue of the food bin
- Fixed typos in the Wild Cell item description
- Fixed the construction window showing wood cost twice instead of stone cost
- Fixed the Cloverton training room and farm bedroom not lighting correctly after a load/scene change
- Fixed Z-Sorting issues towards the end of the farm.
- Fixed some more bugs with the dungeon reset trigger.