Game Build: Beta (78% 4_15) v0.1.1.2d (Patreon)
2020-12-28 21:06:12
Installation Instructions can be found here.
The code for this month can be found here.
Saves are Compatible.
- Fixed new chimera monsters not rolling a limit trait for all 4 stats
- Affected monsters will reroll these traits on load
- Fixed issue where player would be unselectable in the breeding menu, since they’re state was stuck in breeding
- Fixed bad logic being used to see if there was room on the farm for a new monster when hatching
- Fixed an exception related to reading with Fio on a hot day
- Fixed female holstaurs facing the wrong direction while idle on the farm
- Fixed healing items not being removed from the inventory when used during combat
- Fixed issue where all new monsters were using year 1 day 1 as their birth date
- All active monsters have had their birth dates reset to correct for this issue (extended time until they graduate)
- Fixed issue with resolving free spots on the farm
- Fixed bad test used to find food to feed your monsters
- Fixed issue where day didn’t tick when changing seasons
- Fixed some issues with updating older saves
- Fixed issue with RingOfTrust effect
- Fixed issue with Player not converting their egg data for recent changes
- Fixed issue opening job board after linking 4 training yards
- Fixed issue with banner messages still being clickable (to clear) when fully transparent