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We'd love your feedback on this new format as an inventory screen, and as a shop screen. The plan is to allow the cards to flip so you can get more details and lore about them on the back of the card.




Much more interactive than the current display. I liked it a lot


Yes! It's so much easier to see/understand the items compared to the previous list, especially since the text is do tiny and hard to see.


This is a good WIP for the inventory. It looks nice with images for the items.


Really good! ❤️ Could it be also possible to stack the items you want to eat? It’s a bit annoying to just use one at a time


I love that look alot better


“Select all” / “sell all” could be really usefull


Look's great


Personally i find the images a little bit big, it's a bit much for the eye to take in. For a WIP this looks very nice already thou. I'd second that a "sell all/buy all" should be considered in the final version, as well as a count of how many already "owned". Some sorting filters i'd also consider a must have to not have it feel cluttered and chaotic, but it looks like you plan for that already judging by that "value" up there.


I second this, although i think smaller icons might work better than full-on detail images.


I was thinking that it might be worth including some kind of icon on the card thumbnail that can tell you at a glance what kind of item it is.