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 Saves are compatible

To Install the Windows Build follow the instructions in the link below


Notes: On loading a game you will receive a warning that all your monsters were unassigned from jobs. This is due to multiple bugs that caused bad states for Jobs.

 The Code for This Month Can Be Found Here 


  • There is now a pop-up when you heal a party member outside of combat for how much they healed for and what their current health is at.

Enemy Combat Scaling Changes

  • Enemies scale based off average party level rather than player level
  • Nerfed scaling from party level by 33%
  • Stamina Scaling reduced by 25%
  • Reduced Denmother’s Intuition from 60 to 50
  • Increased the Cat Sidhe Swiftness from 30 to 35


  • Improved the layout of crops on the field.
  • Updated monster Cells description with information about what season they are used in.
  • Improved the visuals of the seed selection window and included information on seed growth time.
  • Party window now shows stats with the buff value separately.


  • It is no longer possible to take in more monsters than you have space for.
  • Corrected bosses not scaling with levels.
  • Fixed an issue with the HD seen via the farm being blacked.
  • Fixed an issue with the options UI cutting off test in the audio panel
  • Fixed Fertilizer not showing what season they belong to.
  • Fixed removing a monster from the top slot of the training field not removing the bonus.
  • Fixed being able to assign multiple monsters to the same jobs.
  • Fixed not being able to fire a monster from a job correctly
  • Fixed crops not progressing past Quality 2
  • Fixed items refined in the Mill not using the quality of the base item.
  • Fixed being damaged by the acid pool when the UI is open.
  • Fixed selecting a monster in the inventory would make all other items pure black
  • Fixed grass assets showing up on the farm incorrectly.
  • Fixed Male Harpy not having abilities




Hi! Not sure if this is the right forum to report bugs. But I have run into an issue on floor 4 of the dungeon. I cannot interact with any of the monster stacks or the pirate sitting on the barrels. There also seems to be some issue with the mercenaries, the "intro" dialogue pops several times. I can loot the treasure tiles and mine the metal but not interact with any another assets. All treasure gives the same rewards, 70 korona, if this helps.


Hello! I dont know if i need to ask this here or where...but...when i start the game if i do the training fight or when i reach the cat fight in the farm the game crashes, so is there a way to fix this or maybe is just my problem? i need some help