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 Saves are compatible

To Install the Windows Build follow the instructions in the link below


Notes: On loading a game you will receive a warning that all your monsters were unassigned from jobs. This is due to a change in the way we track monsters assigned to work.

Update: Code Can Be Found Here 


  • Dungeons no longer reset if you haven’t completed the first dungeon quest.
  • Nerfed enemy scaling by 40%
  • Enemies scale more with the current floor than the player level
  • Nerf the random random of enemy bonus swiftness from “0 to 5” to “-3 to 3”
  • Monsters that are unavailable will have their status mentioned in the tooltip
  • Changed first cooking tutorial from Shrubstick Tendies to Baguette, also gave the player the correct recipes & some additional Shrubstick Seeds
  • Players who have previously completed or skipped the cooking tutorial will receive some bonus Shrubstick Seeds
  • Message and item prompts will now last longer (2 seconds, was 1 second)


  • Fixed all monsters disappearing when the player has more monsters than barn capacity - however the extra monsters will not be available and may leave the farm due to neglect.
  • Fixed all inventories acting like the food bin after using it.
  • Fixed not being able to remove items from the food bin.
  • Fixed items not being removed from the shop inventory when being bought
  • Fixed Jerkian’s collisions on the market day not letting the player in and out of the Union Barrack.
  • Fixed an issue where you could buy unlimited amounts of items
  • Fixed monsters bought from Jerikian having a blank palette
  • Fixed monsters already having a blank palette with a consistent check
  • Fixed doors in the dungeons reappearing when they shouldn’t.
  • Doubled the wait time to unstop the player from moving from 1/20 of a second to 1/10 of a second
  • Fixed the Mill not correctly producing refined items.
  • Fixed the Mill not confirming that you received refined items.
  • Fixed Jobs eating monsters, the entire monster job system was remade from the ground up to promote stability.
  • Fixed an issue when monsters abandoning the farm during the night would cause an endless sleep loop
  • Fixed an error caused by talking to Montalvo
  • Fixed an issue where monsters would work twice as fast as normal.
  • Fixed an issue where monsters would only work on 2/3rd of the field.
  • Fixed Eve x Female Holstaur animation showing Evan x Female Holstaur
  • Zooming the camera while the player is sleeping should be centred on the bed
  • Corrected materials on Farm Mill building and Food Bin





is this game only for windows? or is mac possible?


I found the bug when I finish 3 floor mine my monsters disappearing after breeding and never come back .


Only windows fro the moment, the patrons voted last year to delay focus on mac build until completion.