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A reminder to all of our Patrons that the passage of various new laws in various states and nations has forced Patreon's hand, and they will be required to institute sales taxes on digital goods sold through Patreon. This means that there might be a slight hike on your pledges depending on where you live and where your payments are made from, so please be careful and double check your bills to see if you need to adjust your pledges!

Now, that said, a good many of you shouldn't be effected, and for everything except the very highest pledges, the hike is going to be a few cents more or less depending. We've gone out of our way to properly tag all of our patronage reward tiers in such a manner as to insure there shouldn't be any mistakes in charges.



Why do they have to put taxes on what's practically donations though smh


I imagine the problem are the creators who give finished product (f.e. pictures) on a monthly basis and dont have a project in progress. There you can argue its pretty much a subscription or a 1:1 sale. I do in no way agree with taxing patreon but its also pretty hard to counter-argue when you think about what a donation really is.