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So I hate to say this, but the randomized dungeon plans we had wanted have finally beaten us. We can't figure out how to make them fun, we can't make them function in an intuitive way. So we're instead going to focus on our strength of really good art design, and make a set of levels that are iconic. Each level will be set in stone, but the events encountered in it will not be. We hope that by doing this it'll make the dungeons over all more fun and enjoyable.




Considering all the wonky stuff the random dungeon layout has caused, I too think this is the best course of action for the game. I always find hand-designed levels visually more appealing than randomly generated ones anyway and as long as there are enough other random elements like events, battles and loot I believe it can only be an improvement over the current state of the dungeons. ;) Hope you guys can at least re-use most of the assets you already made. :)


Agreed. Having only one battle per floor made dungeons a bit boring and too quick to get through. It would be better if we could go back to previously cleared floors and dungeons to fight monsters, find treasure, and gather resources.


I mean, pretty much every RPG ever has set dungeon, like Skyrim, I know all the ups and downs, but I still like to go through them, might be better, make them a lot more special.


This is gonna be awesome.


I'm fine with this however - did you think about how many floors a dungeon will usually have thou? And maybe optional routes? I just hope you keep variety still in mind (but i think you will) In general i would have preferred a mix of this and the before solution. With dungeon levels being made up of bigger chunks of prefabs. But you do you :-D