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 Saves are compatible


  • Fixed genodriver cooldown
  • Fixed party window ability buttons
  • Fixed a small visual error in the player’s house
  • Fixed Male Centaur X Female Demon being wrong in the album
  • Fixed misplaced clutter on a savannah tile.
  • Fixed a white dot in the mine entrance
  • Fixed Skulfruit not planting and disappearing
  • Fixed Flimflan freezing the game
  • Fixed Yonten’s door glow being offset
  • Fixed a bug where the first save you make has incorrect position data.
  • Fixed some monsters in the barn being too close together



I can't use the save option in the settings. Am i doing something wrong or is saving broken?


Did they fix the Evan combat issue?


saving and loading seems to work for me now, havent tested combat yet


can i continue the story after giev's mission now?


very important bug. My character does not appear during combat, it is invisible and no interaction is possible for the fight. it is not practical to do the dongeons. I think it's a problem to repair first please :/


I'm playing again, which is great. Have to play as the female character, but that's my preference anyway, so no problem. I have noticed a new bug, my farm fields won't upgrade. Not a problem, I expand, but I can't walk into the fields for the third expansion (fourth farm segment counting the first one and two expansions that preceed it). This is a little vexing, I can buy areas that I then can't use. Whatever. I think the game play is great, I like the clean up to the second mission and the intro of the new NPC. The ability to put in pastures and have more animals is great. Overall, great progress, and I'm looking forward to the bugs being ironed out. I will say that I would prefer a bug free version of what we have now to a buggier version with more content that I can't get to because of the bugs. I hope that bug fixing is a greater priority than new content. Like, I would like to see how the male character changes the game play. So, we shall see.


The tutorial NPC seems to have pathing problems in the Seed Shop


I cannot seem to buy anything in Yonten's shop


Additionally, my crops will not seem grow anymore. The ones I have currently planted are watered every time I wake up but will not grow.


Same here but only if you upgrade land. Regular farm land still works fine.