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Saves are compatible


  • Fixed a floating pixel in the savannah tiles
  • Fixed being able to walk off a savannah tiles
  • Fixed jump pads being floating off the edge of some savannah  tiles
  • Fixed snowgrain icon
  • Fixed saves not deleting correctly
  • Fixed deleting saves not refreshing the save window
  • Fixed saves not saving correctly
  • Fixed saves not realizing what their index was



No Win version this time?


Sorry man current fix not working either save isn't recognized and animal dup bug in barn. Figure I will continue to wait and watch posts and when I see build that others say is gtg will grab it. Win10 64 fyi.


Im having an issue with the player characters sprite not showing up in combat. it will lat you select an attack but the animation will not play and basically trap you in combat until you forfeit or reload


This version is working fine for me. I'm not seeing the barn bug or the combat bug. The bugs I am seeing are cosmetic, like the skill icons in the menu to raise your skills after you level up. The game is playable again, which is awesome.


Are you playing as Evan or Eve? I had that issue with build 0035a as Evan, but Eve worked just fine. I have yet to test this build.


This created an unexpected bug when unlocking Giev's tower and then as the quest says talking to him, it doesn't register that I talked to him and the 'talk to Giev' quest remains and completing the lab doesn't solve it and it prevents me from going forward with the story...


Saves are working which is awesome, but Evan still isnt loading into combat so there is no way to progress/win a combat


OK, I found it. The combat bug appears as Evan, doesn't seem to affect Eve. I've found a bug with the farm improvements too, trying to upgrade the fields doesn't work, it it still has the bug where if you put a pasture in the top of the second area added, it replaces the bottom (with lots of planting spots) instead. This version is playable, but only as the female character, and save often because there are glitches. That said, the saves work, and the art is good, and the story line has advanced.


How do i advance after giev's mission?


The controls are garbage, especially in the city.


There's a small hiccup in part 3's implementation we're trying to find exactly where that hiccup us currently.


Thank you for the feedback, can you think of any ways the controls might be improved?


We suggest playing with Eve for the time being while we try to track down exactly what has gone wrong with Evan.


The hell? We've had plenty of people tell us now that the save system is functioning as intended and the barn dupe bug should have been nailed completely, that one seems to hit EVERYONE? Have you done a clean install? ~JH


hi, i just downloaded the game but whenever i enter a battle, when it is my MC's turn to attack, nothing happens. And the game is just stands still like it is stuck. Any help?


One thing i noticed in both the 3.4 and 3.5 is that the seeds usually wont transfer to inventory from chest, also MC is gone in first battle and game wont progress when its the MC's turn to attack, Keep up the good work!