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Save Break

New Save System

A save is created when you start a new game, and you can save the game as you go, every day the game will autosave. when you select a save you will see all the sub-saves for that save file, so if you need to go back a save or two you can now.


  • Fixed album not scrolling with the mouse wheel
  • Fixed a variety of bugs during the album
  • Fixed jubelle not changing to face you when talking to you.
  • Fixed a grammar error when finding stuff in the dungeon
  • Fixed construction UI not having a sprite for level 8
  • Fixed some tight collisions on the farm
  • Fixed the collisions for the crops being a little offset
  • Fixed not being able to upgrade the farm fields
  • Fixed a dialogue error where Ev thought he had no shards
  • Fixed there being no audio preview for the master volume slider


(No title)



It doesnt show me any saved games? I can click save when im ingame but under the load game tab theres nothing.


Yeah, the new save menu doesn't seem to be working at all. I'm sure they will fix it soon.


They did mention that it will list the automatic game states after certain events.


Question, is there anything to do after u complete the mage's quest?


I cant continue the gameplay after the mage quest. Tried playing to the birthday of a npc and nothing happened. Cant gift, cant talk to any character except to buy something or fly to the dungeon map.


Yes have the same problem.


I cannot get the save system to function at all. Autosaves are not happening, clicking save in the menu does nothing, I played through several days did the intro quests for the dungeon and nothing. No autosave file, can't manually save, nothing to load. I tried running the game with elevated privileges and that did not work either.


Anyone know if the windows version is a self contained unity app or if it uses any registry entries or third party resources? Knowing that would really assist in troubleshooting this save system issue.


Are you referring to the wizard who ask you to find the lab or is there something else dealing with a mage?


Yeah, the save menu seems to be completely broken. I get a blank save window, so it is creating a save slot of some sort, but it doesn't appear to have any data in it.


Oh, also, the first full day event where the rock crashes down seems to be broken. I have no rock, I can get into the barn. The dialogue and fight seems to work just fine, so my character is talking about a big rock that isn't there. Not sure what happened. Anyone else having these issues? Am I just doing something wrong? I tried deleting my old versions of the game and rebooting, in case it was an incompatible save issue. I should mention that I am not really technical, computers are like black magic to me. If you do the right incantations it produces a desired result, that's what I know.


I’ve experienced same issues with auto save/save and the rock event on the first day. Also when manually refining you receive the refined item but don’t lose the item that should’ve been consumed


I can't save in this version 😭😭😭


Is everyone having this problem, or just a few of us? The game is unplayable in its current form for me, because I can't just leave the game open on my computer all the time, and I can't save. Am I doing something wrong?


I think it is a pointer issue for a system call. The game is most likely looking for a specific location for where to record the save data and if you are not installed on that very specific path, it just doesn't work. On my personal rig I can't afford the system overhead to run a script sniffer. I could load this on my professional test system, but I don't want to risk the PC I use to test games I get paid to test on a game I am not getting paid to test.


Figured out how to get the save system to work! First off - good news! The file saving works fine, so any playtime you've got is still there! Now, to get it fixed - First Launch the game, then close it. This ensures your configs, metaprogression, version, etc are updated, for later. Then, navigate to the Unity Save folder For Cloud Meadow (on Windows, this is %AppData%/LocalLow/Team Nimbus/Cloud Meadow/), and rename it. Then, launch the game, and play through the first day. Sleep, close out all the dialog, and close the game. Copy the contents of the old Cloud Meadow folder into the new one, overwriting any files. You should have your saves from earlier in the version, along with the dummy save file you made. The issue is that if you had a previous version installed, it starts your save files at 1, instead of 0. I'm unsure why this causes all saves to be unreadable, but there you go. (Special shout-out to my friend who was installing for the first time; only reason I was able to figure it out) Edit: last item is that this assumes you have daily autosaves on. If you don't, enable them in step 2, before you start your dummy/throwaway save. Edit: Having played a little more, it looks like future saves of old loaded saves will end up in the wrong file. They're still there, but in the wrong spot. As far as I can tell, though, it's harmless and doesn't overwrite anything.


why does my game crash when I open it can you help me?