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 After a long team discussion, and the 6 months of screwing around with the attempts to merge the islands into linked segments, we've decided to cut our losses, and revert back to the much more stable system of jump points linking island segments. It's not a great day when we have to admit to this, but hopefully, sometime in the future, possibly with a free update after the main launch, we'll be able to try again for this feature.

In much happier news, we have two new HDs that got finished up recently that'll be available to look in the gallery or in your barn!

We had to drop the linux build due to it being too large to upload, and the fact we're already all but done with the Beta v0.0.3.3 build. We'll be attempting to reduce the size of that linux zip for that build.

Saves are compatible


  • Added Eve X Male Cat
  • Added Evan X Female Cyclops


  • Changed dungeons to have no direct connections (Only jump points)



I like the art, good progress. Where do we report bugs? I found that in Summer, when I plant sometimes the planting spot goes invisible. I'm not sure if this is a known bug.


I can't increase my monsters stats. I leveled them up in the dungeon but when I go to the status window the plus sign icons buttons don't appear. Also the wind sound effect doesn't stop when you leave the dungeon or even go to the main menu. I have to save and close the game completely to make it stop.


I seem to be stuck in Dungeon after the Boss fight in the wizard lab, it seems like I'm supposed to have been teleported out but I haven't been.


I had this problem, too. Use the echo stone that should be in your bag (you are given one, apparently, but tbh I don't remember being given it, it just showed up in my bag).


Things I've seen: Upgraded Incubator has this glitch that doesn't remove the egg when you hatch it, allowing some eggs to produce more than 1 offspring (I only mildly took advantage of this). Sending eggs (whoops) to the storage bin is achievable on accident and eggs sent cannot be retrieved (even when attempting the reverse to get them out). I have an EveXWolf offspring that MOST of the time cannot mate with anybody (even though she SHOULD based on heritage), but it's not just all of them being randomly red, it's that the other monsters don't even show up when you click her. It's just her. I don't have enough Eve monsters to know if it's the humanXmonster offspring specifically, or just the one. I decided to go back to the dungeon after completing the current story arc available, and I ended up in a bunch of clouds with no ship or island, just clouds. Had to use the echo stone to escape.


Hey is the button to see lineage of the monsters still a thing. I can't find it


why does the download of this vesion take 2hours??


I had a bug where the main menu audio went into the game and overlaped with the given area's audio. When I muted the music in options, the area's audio was muted but the main menu audio stayed.


Em... So, the story ends after Tro's lab? And what to do next?