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Some saves/output logs showed different errors than the last bug fix, when errors change that means progress, this versions fixes the errors that Kodex found.

 Saves are compatible 


  • Fixed an issue with the dungeon was not generating the correct doors



I appreciate how hard you all are working to rectify these errors. Thanks.


Thanks for the updates. I've got a small question though. Is there a special reason you upload your Zip files as .exe? Or is this just me?


Thanks as always for fixing errors! I still can't access dungeons though! I'm unable to advance through the game and I'm literally stuck farming or breeding my current monsters... If I'm simply overlooking an action I need to take in-game to make dungeons accessible I'd love to know what that is. I've been able to enter dungeons in the past releases but not the most recent ones. Please help!


Awesome update my game works again but I have to ask why is combat so hard? I have been trying to defeat the 5 cats on the second dungeon mission (finding the lab) for over an hour and its just not happening. Any tips?


God mode, us the cheat code if you have access to it. Yeah, I found this to be the case as well.


Mostly becuase this is beta and we're still processing feedback on difficulty of enemies and such.


yeah the difficulty for the cats have skyrocketed


As a Mac user, I'm curious about a) whether this game can be played on Macs and b) when will we be able to play it on Macs?


I've been having a problem with all the Linux builds since where the first text scroll when Jubelle comes to greet you at the dock only displays repeating strings of 0123456789, and you can't advance at all. This doesn't occur in, and has occurred in every build since. I've delete my config directory several times, and I also confirmed it doesn't happen in the Windows build in Wine. My stack trace from Player.log is here: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at TeamNimbus.CloudMeadow.Managers.AssetManager.LoadAsset[Sprite] (System.String bundleName, System.String assetName) [0x00000] in <filename unknown="">:0 at TeamNimbus.CloudMeadow.Managers.AssetManager.LoadAsset[Sprite] (System.String bundleName, System.String assetName, System.String directory, System.String fileSuffix) [0x00000] in <filename unknown="">:0 at TeamNimbus.CloudMeadow.Dialogue.DialogueWindow.ShowCharacter (System.String characterNameString, Single characterPosition, Boolean flipped) [0x00000] in <filename unknown="">:0 at TeamNimbus.CloudMeadow.Dialogue.DialogueWindow+<parseline>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown="">:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown="">:0 UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) TeamNimbus.CloudMeadow.Dialogue.DialogueWindow:ParseFile() TeamNimbus.CloudMeadow.Dialogue.DialogueWindow:StartDialogue(String, Dictionary`2) TeamNimbus.CloudMeadow.Dialogue.DialogueWindow:StartDialogue(TextAsset, Dictionary`2) TeamNimbus.CloudMeadow.Story.<talk>c__Iterator1:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) (Filename: Line: -1)</talk></filename></filename></parseline></filename></filename></filename>


Is there a general walkthrough on current build or past builds? After the second dungeon quest nothing seems to progress for me with any of the NPCs?


So, the bug fix on the dungeon levels seems to be working great. I have been able to pursue and solve both quests, which was a royal pain before that bug was fixed. I did notice that I lose my extra stars on seeds and produce when I save and exit the game. I loaded it up, and boom, all my good seeds had reverted to ordinary, unimproved seeds. Also, the breeding menu got wonky, it shows certain pets constantly breeding day after day, and won't let me feed or pet anyone. Anyway, this game is making good strides forward, I look forward to playing again when you make another release with more bug fixes. Keep up the good work!


I'm not sure if I'm the only person who's experiencing this, and I apologize if it's happened before; but everytime I try to go to the dungeon island for the first time, the first battle I get into (5 catladies I think?) each time that I have lost, I'm stuck in loop, I'll exit and then it'll put me right back in the battle with my team having 1hp or something; and the cycle just continues; even with the emergency exit.


Yeah, that happens sometimes. They are still working on the fight mechanics. I have to close the window and reopen the game. The game is in Beta, save often.