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This version will release publically on March 27th.

 Saves are compatible with version Beta and after

Some important notes, all the story elements for part 2 are in, but the art for the dungeon are roughs and the combat animations for the boss fight are not finished. We did internal testing so you should be able to get through the story.

For the next few releases in terms of hotfixes and such, we’re going to be implementing the Dungeon Refractor, as that is the least stable part of the system. We’ll be releasing our game plan for version releases in the next week or so.


  • Added a new intro
  • Added rest of act 1 part 2
  • Added more HD audio
  • Added Sieger’s theme
  • Added Male Harpy x Eve
  • Added Garst x Evan


  • Worked on dungeon generation
  • Made improvements to the dialogue window
  • Made improvements to part 1 of act 1


  • Fixed monster stats not saving. (Feeding from older saves will still be broken)




Woots! Some album bugs I found btw: -When you click on Eve x Garst in the gallery, it shows Eve x Male Harpy instead. Also, then if you click the Sploosh button, it shows the climax for Eve x Female Harpy. -Evan x Garst climax in the gallery has Garst disappear and then Evan also disappears? Not sure if intended. (Its at the end so it's not like it causes too many problems, just a heads up.) -Eve x Male Harpy just shows a white box when you select it in the gallery. Climax button doesn't do anything. Other than that all the HDs work in the gallery!


Feels bad man.. Someone at the door XD


Is there a place I can submit spelling and grammar errors? I've noticed a few ( haven't played this ver. yet, ) and want to help get rid of them! If someone can point me, I would be happy to help!


Seem to be having issues Manumitting monsters. Sell option comes up, but when I hit "Accept" nothing happens.


The someone at the door bug is still there? Is it possible that you can make a function that allows you to skip the day without going to the bed?


Have you closed the window and rechecked it? There's an old bug that might be reoccuring where the manumitted monsters ARE manumitted but it doesn't update the visuals until you close the window.


Breeding is broken: when you choose a monster in the breeding window, the rest of them disappears.


it seems using old saves is broken if you start a new one it seems to work fine


Just wondering, maybe I missed something, but the frontierswoman can't breed. Is that correct? Because I tried breeding when I got to the barn but there was absolutely no valid combination to breed, even between the creatures. Works fine with male as far as I saw. I apologize if this is already known! Good work so far.

Julian Banks

hey just started a fresh save got 3 infinite loading screen going through the dungeon(luckily I saved every 5 encounters/ every floor transition).

Julian Banks

.....also got a looping bug(seed is exactly the same) with descending to the next floor and no ground below me on ascending floor (returning to outpost work tho).


Tried with a completely new save, but it was still the same


Was it after combat when trying to exit? I noticed that if you win a battle and try to exit before an attack animation is over, it leads to an unlimited loading screen


Oh wait never mind, restarted the story a few times and it worked


Any workaround for this? I can't get past the dungeon level 2.


So I managed to get around the bug by creating a new game but I was greeted with the "Someone is at the door" bug and from then on cannot sleep. I also cannot breed monsters... So I can't access any of the content :(.


Is it just me or is there no sound?


well sound started about half an hour into the game for no apparent reason...


I might just be silly, but are you ever told where Tro's Lab is?


this is the first version of the game I have downloaded so I have no previous saves. Having the same problem.


Where is the local data (like saves) put on the computer? I'm still getting the white box scene and number text issue when starting a new game so i'm hoping to wipe the game and start fresh.


I found Tro's Lab but after the fight I can't do anything again


donde queda el laboratorio estoy buscando como loco


Cannot access Giev's Tower even though i have the crystal in my inventory.


i cant play this